1000th day of logging !...and why I continue to during maintenance.

My feed today reminded me that I have been logging my meals and exercise for 1000 days now. About the last 365 days of that time have been maintenance from my 100 pound weight loss. Some of my friends ask Nye why I continue to log when I have learned what I need to do (and not do) to maintain. And my reason isn't just for accountability., but so I don't start questioning the occasional 5-7 pound gains, or the frustrations of not seemingly being able to shed those 5 pounds when my jeans start to fit a bit too tight. All I have to do is take a look back over a few weeks of going over a few hundred calories here and thete, and a few less days getting in my steps or workouts during that time....and then I have proof of what's going on, not just emotional "all this hard work is no longer paying off" thoughts.
It's still hard for me to believe that I persisted that first year and a half and didn't give up. And now I'm not willing to let it go to my head and forget all of that hard work. I'm currently working on getting back to my lowest weight of last summer, and so glad that this app/ tool can assist me during those frustrating moments of maintenamce.
And thanks to all of the people in the message boards for their insights, stories, and encouragement.



  • olsogo
    olsogo Posts: 25 Member
    Your progress is incredible. Congrats on your persistence. I agree that the logging is very helpful and does keep you on track. It is so easy to let 5 pounds creep up and than another and another. You will get back to your lowest of last summer without a doubt.
  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    Congratulations--you've found what works. I have a friend that's logged consistently for 1500 days. I, myself, like logging. It helps me hit my macros. Great work and keep going.
  • JenHuedy
    JenHuedy Posts: 611 Member
    Outstanding story! Love hearing insights on maintenance - it's a very under-appreciated subject.

    I'm currently on day 925. When I first started all of this, I thought logging would be temporary. Just something I'd do until I got a better idea of portion sizes. But it has become a habit, just like prepping my lunch before I go to bed and working out first thing every morning. Sometimes I think about stopping, but why? As the saying goes, if it ain't broke don't fix it!
  • TimothyFish
    TimothyFish Posts: 4,925 Member
    I don't continue to log because my tendency is to lie to the app. I figure if I'm going to put in bad data then it is better not to put in any data at all.
  • rainbow198
    rainbow198 Posts: 2,245 Member
    Congratulations on your progress! I'm happy you've found a plan that works for you!

    On my 1000th day of logging last spring, ironically the next day was my 3rd year of maintenance. That weekend I treated myself to some lovely clothes and shoe shopping to celebrate! :)

    I wish you the best with getting back to your low weight!