Ridiculous logging



  • __Di__
    __Di__ Posts: 1,631 Member
    Do you log anything other than exercise? I understand if you go for a walk, gym, mow the lawn... But if you grocery shop do you log the walking? Do you log cleaning your house or cooking dinner? What acceptable to log and when does it get ridiculous?

    I only log my cardio (running) and the one time during the week I visit the gym for weights and some cardio. Everything else is not logged.

    I never log housework or gardening or cooking.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    I've lost 35 pounds. Obviously whatever I choose to do is working for me.
  • Lalasharni
    Lalasharni Posts: 353 Member
    If it raises my heart rate, I log it. I live in an apartment and my laundry area is two sets of stairs below. When I've run up and down those six times laden with wet laundry - I reckon I deserve to log it!
    If its a gentle stroll around the kitchen or a waltz with the vacuum cleaner, then no.
  • peeaanuut
    peeaanuut Posts: 359 Member
    The vast majority of people would be cheating themselves if they logged day to day hum drum as exercise. It should be included in you activity level....I mean ****...maybe I should log breathing as exercise since it burns calories...or taking a dump. The exception might be someone who was previously wheel chair bound and now able to get up and move around...but other than that, shopping and **** isn't exercise.

    doesnt a sneeze while laying on your back = 1 situp?

    Wait, am I doing it wrong?
  • CandiQueen
    CandiQueen Posts: 57
    I am like many here, not logging random stuff unless I break a sweat doing it. Or if I do log it, like a walk for example I was underestimate so that I know it is not over estimating calories. For example if I went on an hour long walk to the mall and back with my double stroller with two kids in it while walking as fast as I can I will log the walk there and back (not the time walking around the mall) and log it as a leisurely walk (2.5 mph) instead of what it really is, which is faster, and carrying a load. it says I burn about 250 calories or so which is probably closer to the 500+ it would say I burned if I put in what I am actually doing, which is most likely highly inaccurate.

    Also, who cares, really? It is for everyone's personal log. If they want to "cheat" by saying they burnt an extra 100 calories so they can have an extra snack, why does it affect you? They lose weight slower; they are still trying. Try to focus more on you and what you're doing instead on judging what you believe should be loggable exercise and what shouldn't be.
  • KY2022runner
    KY2022runner Posts: 72 Member
    If i do something particulary exausting I note in the notes section, but i dont log it in calories. mowing the lawn in 90 degree weather is taxing, but I dont want to venture a guess on how much I burned. i would rather be low balling my total calories for the day than be eating way to much.
  • JerZRob
    JerZRob Posts: 68
    I got a FitBit and only log things I do in the gym now.
  • pbrahan
    pbrahan Posts: 107 Member
    I don't think anyone's loggings are ridiculous. For instance I have a friend on my FL who logs grocery shopping because for her that entails walking all around with a heavy baby in a baby carrier.

    Other folks have their activity set to sedentary and do hard cleaning as part of their job.

    Still others put 1 calorie in for super hard workouts because they have already factored a certain number of workouts into their daily cal goal average.

    For this reason, I do not criticize anybody's exercise logging. I just know people use this site differently as for their specific needs and goals. I just cheer them on.

    ^^^^Now there's a person I'd like to know.
  • MostlyWater
    MostlyWater Posts: 4,294 Member
    like chewing gum?
  • Bridgetthegre
    Bridgetthegre Posts: 85 Member
    I set my activity level to sedentary because I AM sedentary. But that doesn't make me comatose. I still grocery shop. (Rather obviously, or I wouldn't have gained this much weight!) I cleaned the upholstery a couple weeks ago and broke a sweat. I still do laundry. I'm overweight, not smelly! I still mop the floors. At least occasionally. I don't log as exercise anything but actual honest to god exercise. If I were vigorously scrubbing the upholstery every day, I suppose I could up my activity level, but I'm not. I don't think sedentary means you never MOVE.
  • ReneeReiser
    ReneeReiser Posts: 28 Member
    Log whatever you feel like logging, it's your diary. It's so sad when people pass judgment. (Not saying anyone here is passing judgment), but, I was helping a friend with her house cleaning business and occasionally I would log it because I am normally not burning those extra calories. Because on top of helping with her cleaning, I would come home and have to clean my own house because I'm a stay at home mom.

    I have seen people logging "cooking, food preparation", but I don't know if they were catering or helping a friend at a restaurant, right?

    I mean, aren't we supposed to be motivating friends for any activity they choose? I know for me, when I was heavier, I was proud of any movement that didn't require my hand going to my mouth. :)
  • MySweetPotato
    MySweetPotato Posts: 175 Member
    I only log excercise. I don't even log my dairy dog walking.
  • Escape_Artist
    Escape_Artist Posts: 1,155 Member
    I only log whatever I do at the gym. House cleaning, grocery and other regular life activities I don't log.
    I don't log my dog walks either.

    But that's just me, I have some friends who log them and that's fine by me :)
  • Bridgetthegre
    Bridgetthegre Posts: 85 Member
    Ridiculous probably isn't the nicest way to put it, but for myself, I'm trying to be accountable for my choices, and the results. I wouldn't call someone else's logging ridiculous. I do think some people may be cheating themselves if they call themselves active, because they exercise 3X per week, and then log that exercise separately. It's double dipping. If you're doing it, and losing weight, well whatever you doing must be working, but if the results aren't what you expected, that's one possible reason why.

    I gained weight for many reasons. The biggest is probably mindlessly eating. MFP has helped me think about what I'm stuffing in my mouth, because I log EVEYTHING. The good, the bad, the ugly. At the end of the day that little "In 5 weeks you would weigh XXX" reinforces for me exactly what the long term results of my choices will be. I wouldn't call anyone ridiculous, but I don't think you do people any favors if you blow smoke and tell them it's all good.
  • salladeve
    salladeve Posts: 1,053 Member
    I log anything that is out of the ordinary for me. Heavy gardening, walking for exercise, heavy cleaning (moving furniture, cleaning windows, etc).

    I really only do it to keep track of my activity because I don't eat any of the exercise calories back anyway, so what does it matter? I only eat between 1100-1200 calories a day no matter what I am able to do for exercise, and some days that is nothing :)
  • MamaCatO
    MamaCatO Posts: 100
    I'm set at sedentary. I was over 300 lbs when I started and rarely moved off the couch or bed. I have chronic pain and other issues and I used them as an excuse not to do anything. I sat on my *kitten* and played video games, watched tv and ate junk food ALL day. I'm married with teenage kids, so they did all the housework. So yes, I log everything that gets me up off my *kitten* and moving. It's working for me. I've lost 32 lbs in 56 days. So I wouldn't call it ridiculous. remember not everyone is the same. For some of us SOME movement, even if it seems silly to you, is better than where we started.
  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    I log when I walk to and from the grocery store because it is technically exercise. I make sure to log hauling laundry half-way across town as well. Again, exercise.
  • WildCardKro
    There's really no ridiculous logging. People may cheat and their results will show, but they may not be. I wouldn't fret yourself over it since even if it bothers you, you can't control it. It really is going to come down to what works for you and balance it with your weight loss. Some people may have to log those things in either for emotional support or because they may not have been doing them regularly before.

    My personal situation: bad ankles helped beget weight gain, so anything I'm doing on my ankles, I'm logging, but in the form of pedometer counting with the Runtastic Pedometer app. It does have it's sources of error, but balances out fairly well. This isn't logging the intensity of things I may be doing while on my feet (like lifting, carrying, cleaning, shopping), but it's a good baseline. I did a week of "trial" by clocking the steps I've done in different work departments and days off. I'm adjusting to increase my counts on off days toward the minimum suggestion of 10k steps. I hadn't been eating up to the calories it was allowing me here on MFP with the exercise factored in and as a result after these first 2.5 weeks, I've dropped just under 10 lbs and 2/3rds of it registering as fat. And I'm hungry, a lot, so I am trying to use water and healthy snacks to tie me over between meals to avoid that senseless munching I did in the past. I'll continue to adjust both eating a few more calories so I don't inadvertently put my body into starvation mode by undereating too greatly, yet also make sure I stay active to facilitate the weight loss. Eventually the pedometer may not be used and I'll only log in any form or workouts, but again, it'll happen if my situation changes and that's the best option for me.
  • joycehostetler
    I do not criticize any ones activity level of exercise. Some people even moving at all is a form of exercising. We all live differently and we all move at different levels. House cleaning can burn a lot of calories sometimes depending on what your doing. Simple things burn calories....so I feel what people want to log as exercise is their own business!
  • ElizaGeorge
    ElizaGeorge Posts: 140 Member
    I truly didn't mean to offend anyone. I really wanted to know what you personally log, not what anyone thinks "should" our should not be logged. I posted this because a friend and We're joking about if we could log the calories for the walk to the fridge! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: so sorry if anyone misunderstood my intentions or felt judged. I just wanted to know what you would feel ridiculous logging for yourself.