Tips for becoming a runner?



  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    ...after about 15 minutes on the treadmill. I'm able to go much faster on the elliptical due to less impact...

    Notwithstanding the advice about a structured plan, that I'd fully endorse, you might find running outside works more for you. Personally i find anything more than 15 minutes on a treadmill to be horribly tedious, which makes for an uncomfortable session. I can comfortably run for hours outside in the real world.

    As far as weight caution is concerned, two years ago i was doing race photography at a trail marathon. One of the runners was about 18 stone (250lbs), and while he was slow he completed it. I've done that race and it's brutal. So it's entirely possible to become a runner.
  • rsclause
    rsclause Posts: 3,103 Member
    Get fitted for running shoe at a running store. Start by walking at a brisk pace and use an app like runtastic to track distance, pace and calorie burn. Try to increase distance gradually over time. When ready run for brief short distances and focus on increasing distance but don't worry about speed til later.
  • slg1009
    slg1009 Posts: 7 Member
    I definitely started slow and worked on reaching goals with either time or distance to keep me motivated.
    It gets easier the fitter and smaller you get.
    For me, belly breathing made a huge difference in being able to run harder and longer.
    Just keep at it and you'll get there.