Questions on preworkout, foods to eat on a low calorie diet (1,300), supplements, etc?

-I'm still debating on using preworkout. I know it has artifical sugar in it and often wonder generally speaking how much. Would it be doing more harm than good? I tend to work out at night time after work. So I get off at 6:30. My energy is usually quite drained by then. I make it through my workouts. I do about an hour of weight training then 45 mins of cardio. I don't go to bed usually until about 11 or midnight if that's helpful at all. I know people have complained it messes with their sleep patterns.

-Unfortunately I'm not much of a meal prep girl. I'm doing better, but I really need stuff I can grab on the go thats frozen, pre-prepared, or just whole foods. However if there is something quick or easy to make I'm open to knowing what you all eat! Trying to keep everything low fat, low sugar, etc. I eat at least 5 times a day mini meals. Unfortunately I am a binge eater. I have high anxiety and I go to food for comfort. So I'm looking for food that can help me feel full longer throughout the day. I recently bought good size bags of cauliflower, carrots, and even some plantains (heard those were good to eat. Fyi I do have a protein shake during the day.

- I feel like I have plateaued to the sense my upper body is pretty much where I need it to be but I'm having a really hard time trimming down my legs and my butt. I currently weight 157 at 5'8 and would like to drop two pant sizes. I understand that may be ambitious but I seemed to have gained really good muscle from my weigh training but having a really hard time losing the fat. Which seems to be all in my legs and butt now. lol I'm aiming for a lean body not skinny. I was wondering what tips any of you have to help achieve this? I was wondering if taking some weight loss aids like pills really can help? I've heard mixed reviews. From appetite supressants to stuff as hydroxycut. Does anything really help to improve fat/weight loss?

Thanks! Sorry if this is lengthy or some questions seem stupid to ask, but I'm really still just learning.


  • trigden1991
    trigden1991 Posts: 4,658 Member
    No weight loss pills work. "Artificial sugar" isn't bad for you. If you feel like you need a preworkout then give one a try.
  • jayv85
    jayv85 Posts: 142 Member
    I use preworkout. I work 4 days a week 10 hour days and have about a 90 minute drive one way to work (then back). So I wake up at 4am because work starts at 6:30am so I have to be out the door by 5am the latest. Then I get off at 5pm, but I'm not home until 6:30pm. If I drink coffee 1hr before I get home I'd be dancing in my car trying not to pee myself (there's only 3 places to stop on the way home to use the bathroom). So preworkout on the last stretch of my drive (about 5 minutes out), get home and change, and by then it's kicked in and I go out in the garage to workout (we built a "gym" in there with a treadmill). But I need that boost to get me to go out and workout. Otherwise I won't. I tried 3am and it was awful and I either woke up late or couldn't push myself. And I usually go to bed around 9-10pm.
  • fitbethlin
    fitbethlin Posts: 162 Member
    Re: prepackaged meals

    I use Amy's meals (love the enchiladas and the lasagna). They usually run 300-350 cals. I can pronounce and understand everything on the ingredient list. Between that and evol brand stuff, I can usually feel good even if I'm stuck in a situation where I can't or don't want to meal prep.

    Those all have a lot of sodium though. I'm "lucky" - I have naturally low blood pressure and I actually have to add salt to my water or food sometimes to keep my BP in a healthy range. If you have high BP or if you are concerned about that, just keep in mind the high sodium content of any prepackaged meals.

    These days, I'm using Blue Apron a lot too. I just divide a meal meant for two servings into three or four containers so it fits my "mini meals" goals. You can see some examples of how I eat in my diary (I prelog stuff too, so you'll see what I'm planning as well as what I've done)...though I wouldn't recommend looking at weekends. :) I'm still trying to get a habit that carries over into the weekend, but I keep ordering pizza instead...