Past experience

Hiiii I was wondering if anyone has tried choco lite and if they had a good experience with it. Thanks!


  • bpetrosky
    bpetrosky Posts: 3,911 Member
    Can't find anything on it other than a 70s era chocolate bar that isn't made anymore.
  • creepy_unicorn
    creepy_unicorn Posts: 14 Member
    If you mean the protein shakes/bars/snacks. No I have never used them, however I did go on SlimFast (which looks to be a similar diet) a long time ago- that is until I learned that gimmicks like this are designed to make you fail. Fruit, veg, and meat worked better for me. If you try Chocolite then I hope it goes well for you.
  • ladyreva78
    ladyreva78 Posts: 4,080 Member
    After much searching I finally found a couple of Italian sites about that stuff, here and here for example. This one is a bit of a fraud buster. The comment section of that last site are filled with disillusioned users.

    It promises, that by drinking their shakes instead of a breakfast and without changing anything else about your lifestyle, that you can lose up to 24kg in 4 weeks (on average they seem to promise 10kg in 4 weeks). Which is just insane and no where near realistic.

    It supposedly makes fat melt, suppresses appetite, gives more energy, better mood, reduces cellulite and cures acne. All of that for a product supposedly made of all natural ingredients. According to their site:
    - green coffee bean extract
    - organic goji berries
    - organic chia seed
    - natural acai berries
    - natural cacao
    - ganoderma lucidum (a type of mushroom?)

    Then compare with what is actually on the package. Image of label here... It's simply an over priced whey protein shake. And at 217kcals per serving, probably not enough nutrition for most people.

    Seriously, does anyone believe that something like that can be true?

    Please do yourself a favor and save your money. Just eat a balanced breakfast within your calorific needs. There is no way a single shake can fulfill of these promises.

  • shopacholic
    shopacholic Posts: 3 Member
    Dear all thanks very much for your replies and efforts. Sometimes we get caries away by quick fix promises in a desperate effort to help when lack of self discipline spoils every efforts
  • ladyreva78
    ladyreva78 Posts: 4,080 Member
    Dear all thanks very much for your replies and efforts. Sometimes we get caries away by quick fix promises in a desperate effort to help when lack of self discipline spoils every efforts

    I can understand that. I've done similar things in the past. Lost and gained it back.

    Try simply logging your food in MFP. I've lost 20kg last year eating what I always did, just less of it. Over time, I realized what meals where not satiating and where I needed to change something. It takes time to change habits - and eating is habits. You can't do it from one day to the next and products like the above don't really teach you anything about your habits.

    Once you've logged for a few weeks, you can usually start to see patterns. For example I snack ways too much in the evening. I cut down on the snacking but I also make sure I have a few calories to spare for a snack.

    Take it one day at a time. A bad day does not mean the end of the world. Just get back to it the next day.

    Good luck!