Any ideas for a 1200 calorie per day diet

lmasasa Posts: 10 Member
Was looking for ideas on meals to keep within the 1200 calories per day.


  • MaeRenee94
    MaeRenee94 Posts: 175
    Don't do it...1200 calories is a bad idea. And that's why you aren't getting replies
  • jhloves2knit
    jhloves2knit Posts: 268 Member
  • Binkie1955
    Binkie1955 Posts: 329 Member
    I have an idea. don't do it. any body who thinks that dieting is about fasting just doesn't get the purpose of this site. get some education and start eating right.
  • kshiraakshara
    kshiraakshara Posts: 119 Member
    My diary's open and I eat 1230 calories/day, if you want to check it out. I do lots of omelettes or scrambled eggs for breakfast, big salads with protein (usually fish) or roasted fish or chicken with veggies for lunch, and save the rest of my calories for dinner and snacks.

    I use the recipe builder a lot so if you see anything that you want to try that doesn't have all the ingredients listed, message me and I'll send you the recipe :)
  • StacyReneO
    StacyReneO Posts: 317 Member
    My typical day...

    B: 2 hard boiled egg and a tbsp of real mayo -230 c OR
    1 scrambled egg and 2 slices bacon - around 200c OR
    1 egg and 1 medium avocado - around 300c

    L: Chipotle salad with steak, lettuce, pico and guacamole - 370c OR
    any salad with veggie & protein - 300-400c

    D: Marinated flank steak (4 oz) and a side veggie - around 250-300c (depending on your veggie)

    Snacks: Dehydrated (not dried) fruit from Costco - 35c a pack
    Gluten free toaster pastry - 160c
    Small piece of fruit - apple, nectarine or peach 55-60c
    Air popped popcorn - 31c per cup

    These are just some examples. My food diary is open to friends so if you want to friend me you can check it out! I also exercise whenever I can and I eat my exercise calories on those days, which may allow me another 200-400c. I usually use those at the end of the day or if I want a treat/extra calories earlier in the day, I make sure I do something to work it off.
  • MaeRenee94
    MaeRenee94 Posts: 175
    I didn't ask for peoples food plans. I asked for help on not feeling like I'm about to blow from so much dang food in my stomach.
  • StacyReneO
    StacyReneO Posts: 317 Member
    I didn't ask for peoples food plans. I asked for help on not feeling like I'm about to blow from so much dang food in my stomach.

    I was responding to the OP. And the OP didn't ask whether or not she should do it. She asked HOW to do it.
  • MaeRenee94
    MaeRenee94 Posts: 175
    I didn't ask for peoples food plans. I asked for help on not feeling like I'm about to blow from so much dang food in my stomach.

    I was responding to the OP. And the OP didn't ask whether or not she should do it. She asked HOW to do it.

    Holy crap I went to my topics and thought I was on my last post..
    I feel like an a** now!! I'm sorry!
    Ignore me : )
  • Katiedid717
    Katiedid717 Posts: 48 Member
    Vegetables are your friend.
  • StacyReneO
    StacyReneO Posts: 317 Member
    I didn't ask for peoples food plans. I asked for help on not feeling like I'm about to blow from so much dang food in my stomach.

    I was responding to the OP. And the OP didn't ask whether or not she should do it. She asked HOW to do it.

    Holy crap I went to my topics and thought I was on my last post..
    I feel like an a** now!! I'm sorry!
    Ignore me : )

    haha - no worries!
  • ferra11
    ferra11 Posts: 18 Member
    StacyReneO-I like the way your food plan sounds... Good job!
  • lazytolight
    lazytolight Posts: 38 Member
    For those saying don't do 1200, it's starvation, don't seem to know what you're talking about it. 1200-1500 is a respectable range for some women that have more sedentary lives. I'm on 800 by my doctor's orders (trying to figure out and mend a digestive disorder) and as long as I reach my macros set by him and my nutritionist and don't over exercise I'm fine.

    I learned to be more than satisfied on my low cal plan. Last night I made spinach lasagna rolls (for recipe google spinach lasagna rolls skinny taste) and had a large salad with it. My dinner was around 250 calories.

    For eating lower its all about portion control for higher calorie foods and supplementing the less food on your plate with lower calories foods. For example, I used to eat with my plate being mostly covered by the main meal/dish/entree, and then veggies or fruits on the side. I just swapped those and I'm getting roughly the same amount of food for less calories and higher nutrition.
  • zeetje
    zeetje Posts: 36 Member
    I have an idea. don't do it. any body who thinks that dieting is about fasting just doesn't get the purpose of this site. get some education and start eating right.
  • zeetje
    zeetje Posts: 36 Member
    well you have to start somewhere... I have just realized I wasn't eating right (Too much Proteins, too little carbs..) having a hard time to even reach 1200 calories.. no intention of fasting :noway: It's just a hell of a lot when you cut out bad carbs, sugar & alcohol etc
  • zrjp9
    zrjp9 Posts: 86 Member
    Plenty fruits, veggies, whole grains and when you eat meat do lean meats, and small portions.
  • Overridden
    Overridden Posts: 19
    For those saying don't do 1200, it's starvation, don't seem to know what you're talking about it. 1200-1500 is a respectable range for some women that have more sedentary lives. I'm on 800 by my doctor's orders (trying to figure out and mend a digestive disorder) and as long as I reach my macros set by him and my nutritionist and don't over exercise I'm fine.

    I learned to be more than satisfied on my low cal plan. Last night I made spinach lasagna rolls (for recipe google spinach lasagna rolls skinny taste) and had a large salad with it. My dinner was around 250 calories.

    For eating lower its all about portion control for higher calorie foods and supplementing the less food on your plate with lower calories foods. For example, I used to eat with my plate being mostly covered by the main meal/dish/entree, and then veggies or fruits on the side. I just swapped those and I'm getting roughly the same amount of food for less calories and higher nutrition.

    ^ that's how I started.
  • zrjp9
    zrjp9 Posts: 86 Member
    And you can look at my food journal too. I do a 1490 cal max per day. But also watch bc I do cardio about 4 dars a week. So even though my day may say 1300 that day could be 1600 because I may have burned 300 doing cardio.
  • MyJourney1960
    MyJourney1960 Posts: 1,133 Member
    start by figuring out how many meals/snacks you want a day - what fits into your lifestyle.
    then allocate the calories - let's say 100 per snack X 3 snacks, leaves you with ~300 per meal. it's not impossible - stick with larger portions of non-starchy vegetables (both fresh salads and cooked/steamed/roasted) such as lettuce, greens, tomato, cucumber, peppers, brocolli etc, and smaller portions of healthy/lean proteins and carbs like chicken breast, eggs, turkey, lean beef,fish, beans/lentils and whole grain pasta/bread/rice etc . use a kitchen scale - you may be surprised at how many calories are in a cup of pasta...

    reduce or eliminate empty calories - sugared drinks, battered/fried foods, etc but do find a way to "treat" yourself to things that you like just at lower portions.
    SJVZEE Posts: 451 Member
    I've recently started transitioning to a whole foods, plant based diet and it's a struggle to even get to 1,200 calories a day. Since I'm in maintenance I'm trying to get in around 2,000 a day, so I'm having some trouble figuring out how to get more calories in-whole foods are very filling and are very low calories!

    Today I'm having a BIG green smoothie (kale, spinach, strawberries, blueberries, banana and plain yogurt), oatmeal with raisins, a large taco salad with flax seed instead of ground beef, 2 ears of sweet corn with butter, more blueberries and then sauteed mushrooms. My total calories for the day are 1,382. I added the oatmeal and raisins just to get my calories up.

    Focus on veggies and fruit as your main source of food and you'll easily be able to stay around 1,200 calories :)