Beautiful Behaviors - April 2017



  • aleahurst
    aleahurst Posts: 325 Member
    @nickiphillips1 - it's amazing how you keep going! Good for you! Wooooo!

    I have a new idea... There's got to be a way to change dieting from a mindset of constant restrictions to one of staying on task because there is so much of something you want and already have.

    Yo-yo dieting is caused by your body and subconscious reacting to weight loss as if a famine is making you starve. When food is finally in front of you, you eat heartily and then some, as preparation for the next phase of the famine. Your subconscious is saying, "Hey, if we have to go back to that diet place tomorrow, we better eat for today and tomorrow while we can".

    The last time I successfully lost weight, I wasn't trying. I had gained when sick, and lost when I got active again. No problem. This time, I gained on purpose. I decided to eat chocolate until I would be so unattractive that men would leave me alone. Then the lung doctor explained that if I wanted to breathe, I'd better lose weight.

    Quite by accident, I found chewy food this week. Food that takes time to eat seems to satisfy more. So, today, I've eaten three 500 calorie meals that took a long long time to chew. And I'm full.

    The point is that I took a long time to eat, and I feel as if I just ate a holiday meal! I'm really full!

    What else is chewy? Beef jerky maybe. Chicken gizzards. Thick cut types of bacon. Sour dough bread crust. Pizza dough. Flat bread. Bagels. Whole wheat berries baked into bread. Figs. Dried apricots. Tootsie rolls - you know chocolate had to be in there! Almonds. My fried soy beans. Some kinds of rice. Grape Nuts cereal. Dried mango. These spicy cookies my mom used to make that she called springerly. Carrots.

    I'm off to find oral motor stimulants in food!

    Love to all.

  • aleahurst
    aleahurst Posts: 325 Member
    edited May 2017
    @jessiquoi - it's now May! Has it been okay there? Are you okay?
  • aleahurst
    aleahurst Posts: 325 Member
    Well. I did not over eat yesterday, but I woke up ravenous hungry today. Sigh.
  • str8bowbabe
    str8bowbabe Posts: 712 Member
    Hello everyone! Hope everyone had a great weekend!

    I am so over this not moving enough and eating too much. Time to focus!

    Goal this week...workout 5 days this week. Stay under calories for the week.

  • happysherri
    happysherri Posts: 1,360 Member
    edited May 2017
    Hello and happy Monday.

    Update: I ATE SOOOO Much over my birthday weekend!!! Today I started my cut and carb cycling . I am new to carb cycling, so we will see how it goes. I am also starting a new workout program today. I'm excited and can't wait to see my body change. I will be doing the cut until I get to where I can go back to maintaining (hoping for no more than 12 weeks). Planning on challenging myself to see this through and not get bored too soon. I know I won't always be perfect on this but I'm going to try and go full force.

    Birthday - Friday night my bf took me out to dinner and bought me some new workout gear. Saturday I spent the day with my daughter which started with mom's brunch at her sorority, shopping and lunch. Sunday was a lazy, do nothing day and ended up with chinese take out. However, I knew today was coming and here it is, so there will not be any splurges for some time.

    Thought for the day: The dream is free, the hustle is sold separately. *I can sit and dream and visualize all I want but it's not going to happen unless I work at it. The time has come for me to give that extra umph and push through onto what I want. I can and I will.
  • msthang444
    msthang444 Posts: 491 Member
    HI! Love this thought. One of my recent "epiphanies" is that part of the reason I eat is because I don't rest. In those moments that I'm overwhelmed, sad, frustrated, stressed, etc.... the easiest solution is EAT. However, that is has not served me well. I have struggled with my weight for the last 6+ years. Most of my life I have been between 120-130lbs and been comfortable and proud of my body. This has since transitioned to shame and regret. I can typically be consistent in my workout, but not my eating. I think to myself if anyone else worked out like I do they'd be itty bitty. Why isn't it the same for me?

  • Sp1tfire
    Sp1tfire Posts: 1,120 Member
    Hello everyone! I'm Kat and I started my healthy lifestyle when I got to college. I had never exercised before, but when I got to this new place where no one knew me I figured it was a great time to start fresh! I have always been underweight and have struggled with disordered eating, but exercising and weightlifting have really helped me turn it around! I strive to gain muscle and do my best to live an active lifestyle. CICO has really helped me to not worry about food as much as I did before. All I need to do is log my amounts and I can have what I want! I'm moving back to my old city this summer and am starting a new lifting program and joining a new gym. Right now, I'm trying to work on not overanalyzing myself in the mirror and truly loving my body for what it is; and viewing the exercising as a fun thing I get to do that happens to help my body! I'm going to try to accomplish this by going to the classes at my new gym (move back in 2 weeks - so excited!) and learn kickboxing too!
  • dlm4mom
    dlm4mom Posts: 251 Member
    @fitzmonkey13 I guess this worked! Thanks for telling me how to do
  • dlm4mom
    dlm4mom Posts: 251 Member
    I am just returning from a multi week binge of thoughtless eating. I was shopping and trying on clothes today and it was disgusting. But it got me to start back up with trying to lose the weight. For right now my goal is one day at a time.
  • jessiquoi
    jessiquoi Posts: 400 Member
    good morning, everyone. every now and then I need a break from being online, and this one is now officially over. I haven't caught up reading everyone's posts, but I will create a May thread this morning and post it here.
  • jessiquoi
    jessiquoi Posts: 400 Member
  • nickiphillips1
    nickiphillips1 Posts: 114 Member
    I was under calories, like under 1200 calories two days ago. I mowed the lawn and just didn't eat enough all day. Then I wasn't hungry after dinner.
    Yesterday I was famished at dinner time. I have been craving steak for a while now and broke down and bought some (not from the butcher either) from a store that has edible steak. (yes, I am a steak snob)
    I ate 12 oz of steak and mushrooms for dinner. I still was under calories because of my swimming.
    And... I hit my low weight I hit the day before...
    I guess when your body is craving something (not sugar), maybe you need to eat it. I must have needed some iron. I knew that fish was not going to cut it last night.

    My son got the volunteer position at the Animal Humane Society! I feel bad for ever doubting he would get it!! They picked 15 kids out of 50. I am so proud of him. He also got some prize from PETA for all of the vegan petitions he has been signing. He has strong convictions, like his mom. They are just different than mine.

    Every once in a while I think about having a piece of cake or some frosting. The thought goes away, but if there is cake on tv, I think about it. I am going to eat a lot of food on Mother's Day when I am out to brunch with my older son. Maybe that will just kick start my metabolism!

    Have a great week everyone!
  • jessiquoi
    jessiquoi Posts: 400 Member
    @nickiphillips1 we have moved to the May thread. please see my post above for the link to that thread. :)
  • fangcat623
    fangcat623 Posts: 22 Member
    I am calling this past weekend the "lost weekend" and not in a good way. If it wasn't nailed down, I ate it. Back to clean eating this week. I wrote down a couple of my goals and referred to them throughout the day. "I will be confident in my ability to lose weight" (That's the 1st one). I feel your pain @aleahurst.