How can I mantain a good diet??

Hi guys!
I think I need some help I don't know what to do anymore. Since I was a kid that I have this issues with food: eat to much (junk food) or eat to little (and healthy food).
I can't have a good diet, and this is messing with my head, I have this big insecurity because my weight it's always up and down and I am always afraid that people notice that, especially my boyfriend.
How can I mantain a good diet? Help!


  • LisaMoxon155
    LisaMoxon155 Posts: 264 Member
    Welcome to mfp.
    My weight has been up and down for as long as i can remember. And to be honest people probally did notice. But its all about yourself and how you sure your boyfriend may of or may not have notice but sure he loves you whatever.
    For me if my boyfriend didnt want to be with me because of my weight,then hes not worth my time or my love.
    Im doing mfp for second time round. And dont call it a diet,its a life choice. Ive added you as a friend so feel free to look at my diary.
    My weight is slowly coming off and im feeling so much more confidence. I was worried before if people saw me and thought"shes a bit chubby"now i walk with confidence and my head held high and know ive worked hard ro get my body. Its not perfect far from it but its what inside that counts. I feel healthier inside .
    I wake up and dont feel all crappy cos ive eaten my weight in crappy food.
    My food diary is full of veg and fruit. And i add chocolate for a treat on a saturday.
    Give mfp a try for a month and see how you feel.
    Whatevwr u decide
    Good luck
  • amtyrell
    amtyrell Posts: 1,447 Member
    Counting calories helps me. I have found a lot of what is healthy calories for me is also large amounts of healthy bulk food. So I have a favourite kale salad for example that fills me up a ton but i still eat favorite in moderation.
    Also experiment with healthy foods you might find some favorites
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    When you say your weight is always up and down, by how many pounds?
    Using MFP to track your foods really is enlightening and educating. In time it will help you make better food choices.
  • Packerjohn
    Packerjohn Posts: 4,855 Member
    Eat mainly nutrient dense foods, vegetables, fruit, lean proteins, and complex carbs in reasonable quantities. Keep less nutrient dense foods (chips, cookies, cakes, alcohol, etc) to around 15% or less of total calories. Use MFP to help determine and track appropriate intake.

    Best of luck.
  • kq1981
    kq1981 Posts: 1,098 Member
    edited April 2017
    Log what you eat. Everything. Don't set an agressive weight loss goal at first. Eat "junk" in moderation and along the way you will learn what foods keep you satisfied for longer. When you get the hang of things get a food scale. Just go slowly and surely, make short term goals. It's a mental journey as well as physical (for me it has been anyways). Browse these forums, they have given me a wealth of knowledge. Good luck:-)
  • accn1
    accn1 Posts: 67 Member
    Welcome to mfp.
    My weight has been up and down for as long as i can remember. And to be honest people probally did notice. But its all about yourself and how you sure your boyfriend may of or may not have notice but sure he loves you whatever.
    For me if my boyfriend didnt want to be with me because of my weight,then hes not worth my time or my love.
    Im doing mfp for second time round. And dont call it a diet,its a life choice. Ive added you as a friend so feel free to look at my diary.
    My weight is slowly coming off and im feeling so much more confidence. I was worried before if people saw me and thought"shes a bit chubby"now i walk with confidence and my head held high and know ive worked hard ro get my body. Its not perfect far from it but its what inside that counts. I feel healthier inside .
    I wake up and dont feel all crappy cos ive eaten my weight in crappy food.
    My food diary is full of veg and fruit. And i add chocolate for a treat on a saturday.
    Give mfp a try for a month and see how you feel.
    Whatevwr u decide
    Good luck

    I'm not new at myfitnesspal, I just can't stay here for long, because I always ruin my diet, I wanted to have a helthier life style like you said, and not many diets, but it's not that easy for me :/
    Well, Thank you for the advice, I will definitely see your diary! :)
  • accn1
    accn1 Posts: 67 Member
    When you say your weight is always up and down, by how many pounds?
    Using MFP to track your foods really is enlightening and educating. In time it will help you make better food choices.

    For like 8/11 pounds. Yes it help me make better food choices but that won't last long...
  • LessCookiess
    LessCookiess Posts: 538 Member
    I think the Myplate website is helpful it's the new version of the food pyramid maybe see if that works for you!
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    Stop looking at food as good vs bad or healthy vs junk. Stop looking at this as a diet (verb). Stop thinking that when you eat something that is less nutrient dense, that you've screwed up so badly you might as well give up.

    It's just food. You can build an overall healthy diet (noun) that includes a variety of nutrient dense choices and allows room for treats in moderation. Weight loss comes down to a consistent calorie deficit over time. Have you set up MFP with accurate stats and a reasonable weight loss goal and rate of loss? Can you share those? What calorie goal dod MFP provide? Do you log everything you eat, ideally using a food scale for accuracy? Do you exercise? Do you eat back those exercise calories when you do?
  • lthames0810
    lthames0810 Posts: 722 Member
    accn1 wrote: »
    Hi guys!
    I think I need some help I don't know what to do anymore. Since I was a kid that I have this issues with food: eat to much (junk food) or eat to little (and healthy food).
    I can't have a good diet, and this is messing with my head, I have this big insecurity because my weight it's always up and down and I am always afraid that people notice that, especially my boyfriend.
    How can I mantain a good diet? Help!

    It seems like you're swinging from one extreme to another....from mostly "junk" food to all "healthy" food. (I put those in quotes because the definitions are not well established and so they are much debated.). You can find a middle ground that is healthy enough but within your calorie budget. You can occasionally have junk if it fits in your calories.

    Experiment with what combination of foods fill you up best within that calorie budget. For example, I learned that I am not a volume eater. I would rather eat a smaller serving of high calorie food (maybe broccoli with cheese sauce) than a huge serving of steamed vegetables. I make what is easiest for me to cook and not spend hours in the kitchen, even if it means using some processed foods.

    There are no rules except to keep within your cslories.
  • savithny
    savithny Posts: 1,200 Member
    For me, building habits and routines helps. If I know what I'm going to eat, it makes it less likely that I'll go overboard. (Notice I didn't say "make bad choices." I think my food choices are pretty good, except the choice to eat ALL of them.)

    A few years back, after struggling with a habit of skipping breakfast and then getting ravenous midmorning and eating things from the cafe at work, I just picked one thing I liked and found satisfying and said "that's breakfast." I have a serving of full-fat cottage cheese. Sometimes I put fruit or leftover cucumber/tomato salad on it. It's always in the same dish (one of those little glass ramekins) so that portion size doesn't creep on me. Its small enough that it doesn't use up a lot of my daily calories, its satisfying enough that I don't feel an overwhelming urge for "just one" pastry when I run down to the cafe for midmorning coffee, and it got *that* part of my food life in better order.

    Don't think of anything as "ruining" your diet. You went off track, but nothing is ruined. You ate things not on your plan, but they weren't "bad," they were just more than you should be eating.
  • accn1
    accn1 Posts: 67 Member
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    Stop looking at food as good vs bad or healthy vs junk. Stop looking at this as a diet (verb). Stop thinking that when you eat something that is less nutrient dense, that you've screwed up so badly you might as well give up.

    It's just food. You can build an overall healthy diet (noun) that includes a variety of nutrient dense choices and allows room for treats in moderation. Weight loss comes down to a consistent calorie deficit over time. Have you set up MFP with accurate stats and a reasonable weight loss goal and rate of loss? Can you share those? What calorie goal dod MFP provide? Do you log everything you eat, ideally using a food scale for accuracy? Do you exercise? Do you eat back those exercise calories when you do?

    When I use MFP I always put everything I eat, my goal in here its 1200 cal per day. I also exercise.

    But when I stop using MFP ( it's exacly in those moments that I eat something unhealthy and I just give up) I start to eat just unhealthy foods and I stop exercising or when I still do, doesn't matter because I'm eating so much, a few calories less don't make a difference .
  • kq1981
    kq1981 Posts: 1,098 Member
    Mfp is now part of my everyday routine. I am friends with a lady her who has logged for 765 days. What stops u from continuing to log everyday?
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    accn1 wrote: »
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    Stop looking at food as good vs bad or healthy vs junk. Stop looking at this as a diet (verb). Stop thinking that when you eat something that is less nutrient dense, that you've screwed up so badly you might as well give up.

    It's just food. You can build an overall healthy diet (noun) that includes a variety of nutrient dense choices and allows room for treats in moderation. Weight loss comes down to a consistent calorie deficit over time. Have you set up MFP with accurate stats and a reasonable weight loss goal and rate of loss? Can you share those? What calorie goal dod MFP provide? Do you log everything you eat, ideally using a food scale for accuracy? Do you exercise? Do you eat back those exercise calories when you do?

    When I use MFP I always put everything I eat, my goal in here its 1200 cal per day. I also exercise.

    But when I stop using MFP ( it's exacly in those moments that I eat something unhealthy and I just give up) I start to eat just unhealthy foods and I stop exercising or when I still do, doesn't matter because I'm eating so much, a few calories less don't make a difference .

    You didn't answer the rest of my questions.
    What are your stats?
    What is your goal weight? What rate of loss did you select?
    Do you use a food scale for accuracy?
    Do you eat back the exercise calories?

    As I suspected - you have the lowest recommended calorie goal for women. That is not always the most appropriate calorie goal, based on the amount of weight you have to lose. Additionally, that is a NET goal, so that when you do exercise, you should be eating MORE than 1200.

    All of this, may be contributing factors to why you are eating foods you feel you shouldn't, because your goal may be too restrictive.

    Last question - if you make a choice for an unhealthy food, why do you give up? Why not keep logging? You aren't going to undo all the healthy choices you've made, with one less healthy choice. One indulgent meal, over your calorie goal, isn't going to undo all your progress. Like Dory says, "just keep swimming".
  • Heather4448
    Heather4448 Posts: 908 Member
    Just accept that some days your food choices will be high calorie/ high sodium/ not so great food. That's okay. Log it and move on. Some weekends I do fast food twice! I don't gain anything by over analyzing and berating myself; I doubt you do either. So stahhhp it!
  • LessCookiess
    LessCookiess Posts: 538 Member
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    accn1 wrote: »
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    Stop looking at food as good vs bad or healthy vs junk. Stop looking at this as a diet (verb). Stop thinking that when you eat something that is less nutrient dense, that you've screwed up so badly you might as well give up.

    It's just food. You can build an overall healthy diet (noun) that includes a variety of nutrient dense choices and allows room for treats in moderation. Weight loss comes down to a consistent calorie deficit over time. Have you set up MFP with accurate stats and a reasonable weight loss goal and rate of loss? Can you share those? What calorie goal dod MFP provide? Do you log everything you eat, ideally using a food scale for accuracy? Do you exercise? Do you eat back those exercise calories when you do?

    When I use MFP I always put everything I eat, my goal in here its 1200 cal per day. I also exercise.

    But when I stop using MFP ( it's exacly in those moments that I eat something unhealthy and I just give up) I start to eat just unhealthy foods and I stop exercising or when I still do, doesn't matter because I'm eating so much, a few calories less don't make a difference .

    You didn't answer the rest of my questions.
    What are your stats?
    What is your goal weight? What rate of loss did you select?
    Do you use a food scale for accuracy?
    Do you eat back the exercise calories?

    As I suspected - you have the lowest recommended calorie goal for women. That is not always the most appropriate calorie goal, based on the amount of weight you have to lose. Additionally, that is a NET goal, so that when you do exercise, you should be eating MORE than 1200.

    All of this, may be contributing factors to why you are eating foods you feel you shouldn't, because your goal may be too restrictive.

    Last question - if you make a choice for an unhealthy food, why do you give up? Why not keep logging? You aren't going to undo all the healthy choices you've made, with one less healthy choice. One indulgent meal, over your calorie goal, isn't going to undo all your progress. Like Dory says, "just keep swimming".

    This user does bring up some good questions you might find helpful answering.
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    Too much right / wrong- healthy /unhealthy. Try to break down what you want into smaller pieces that are more manageable. Going from one way of eating to another completely different way is a big move. Start with something smaller like I will eat at least 5 servings of vegetables a day. Keep it positive.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Having a 1200 calorie goal is your problem.
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,179 Member
    The hardest thing is overcoming your own stubbornness. If you can recognize your stubbornness which makes you rebel against doing what you know is best for your health, you can overcome it.
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    accn1 wrote: »
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    Stop looking at food as good vs bad or healthy vs junk. Stop looking at this as a diet (verb). Stop thinking that when you eat something that is less nutrient dense, that you've screwed up so badly you might as well give up.

    It's just food. You can build an overall healthy diet (noun) that includes a variety of nutrient dense choices and allows room for treats in moderation. Weight loss comes down to a consistent calorie deficit over time. Have you set up MFP with accurate stats and a reasonable weight loss goal and rate of loss? Can you share those? What calorie goal dod MFP provide? Do you log everything you eat, ideally using a food scale for accuracy? Do you exercise? Do you eat back those exercise calories when you do?

    When I use MFP I always put everything I eat, my goal in here its 1200 cal per day. I also exercise.

    But when I stop using MFP ( it's exacly in those moments that I eat something unhealthy and I just give up) I start to eat just unhealthy foods and I stop exercising or when I still do, doesn't matter because I'm eating so much, a few calories less don't make a difference .

    Eating a healthy diet does not mean never eating anything "unhealthy". Just because a food is considered junk food doesn't mean it can't be part of a healthy diet. If you don't look at your diet as all or nothing (all good or all junk) and balance your diet and you'll probably have better success. Eat foods that offer good nutrition as the base of your diet but leave room for treats. And when eating the "good" stuff make it food you enjoy. Don't just look at is a food to eat for weight loss or because you heard it was "healthy". Eat it because it's tasty AND good for you.