Just looking for friends and peeps in similar position

So, I'm a 48 year old man whom has decided to get myself as fit and healthy as I possibly can. I've been seriously overweight for many years.
Following a diabetes diagnosis last year I decided enough was enough. Bought myself a Nutribullet, and started the journey. Over the last seven months I've managed to lose over 2 stone in overall weight but this has been augmented by some serious weight training which has meant I've gained a lot of muscle weight. Good news though is that my Fat % has gone down from 51%, to 38%.
I decided last week to get myself a personal trainer and had my first session today. No question, despite going to the gym under my own steam the last 6 months, the session with PT was the most I've been pushed since I did PE at school over 30 years ago. Was absolutely shattered afterwards so no doubt this is going to deliver results.

If anyone else has similar story please let's push each other along.