Looking for friends with similar stats - motivators


Received a huge wake up call this morning after stepping on the scales at 16st 1lb. I'm scared it's now affecting my fertility. I have a little boy already who'll be 3 in July.

I don't want to dive into the deep end, and right now I just want to concentrate on eating less and moving more (baby steps!) so I've got myself a Fitbit.

Im 5ft 4.5 (yes that half an inch counts!)
29yrs old
Sedentary (full time desk job)
No idea what my BMI is but I'm guessing it's high!

I'm 30 in August and I would love to be in the 13s by then, although how achievable that is I don't actually know. Every summer I feel uncomfortable in hot cardigans and cover myself up a bit. I'd love to feel comfortable in a shorter skirt or a dress this summer. I used to be skinny in my early 20's!

I'm looking for friends to help keep me motivated. I struggle with snacking in the evenings. I don't eat a lot of takeaways and I don't drink alcohol... I'm just a classic binge eater whilst watching a film type of gal.... hoping to change that.

I'm not sure how many calories I should be aiming for so I've just set it to 1400.... is this ok?? I've also heard a lot of mixed reviews on having a cheat day / treat night.... what are your thoughts on this?

Please add me as a friend if you think would like x


  • princess0lexi
    princess0lexi Posts: 3,938 Member
    i would love to be friends and help motivate you, and if you have questions don`t be scared to ask i will try to answer what i do know the best i can
  • SarahChick87mfp
    SarahChick87mfp Posts: 6 Member
    Thank you Princess. I keep getting an error message when I try to add you as a friend.
  • princess0lexi
    princess0lexi Posts: 3,938 Member
    no problem, i will send it my self
  • LaDawnnie
    LaDawnnie Posts: 72 Member
    I turn 30 in June. I'm 5'1 and 204 pounds. My heaviest was 234. My goal is 130-140. I added you so we can motivate each other.
  • kadydid2689
    kadydid2689 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi I'm 28, I'm 5 ft 10 and weigh 350
  • Lauramumto4
    Lauramumto4 Posts: 21 Member
    Hi Sarah, I was 17.5 stone after I had my son 2 years ago. I've been losing extremely slowly! Now I think I'm 14.7 stone (89kg) I weigh in kilos because kilos don't mean as much to me! When I see 14/15/16/17 stone I'm like
  • IVMay
    IVMay Posts: 442 Member
    Hope you succeed and manage to overcome any obstacles. Be brave and soldier on. Some days you'll doubt yourself but they'll be long forgotten when you achieve your aims..
  • MissLeighLee
    MissLeighLee Posts: 2 Member
    Hi there! I turn 33 this year and at 5ft 4.5 inches I weigh 205 pounds. I just had a baby last month and I'm eating everything I see. For the time being since I'm nursing I'm going to focus less on weight loss and more on making better choices. More carrots, fewer cinnamon rolls! From using this app on and off for years I know I make better choices when I know I need to log it!!