Mum to 4 looking for female friends!

Hi, I'm in the UK. I have 4 children aged from 9 years to almost 2 years. Days are so hard! I home school them too so exercise is quite difficult to do and not snacking is really hard too!
I weigh 89kg. I was 111kg after I had my last child almost 2 years ago. I keep stopping and starting my dieting. But doing it alone has been hard this time round.


  • twinmombb
    twinmombb Posts: 60 Member
    Hi, I'm from Canada, I'm a mom of 2 that are almost 21 and a grandma to 2 beautiful little ones.
    WElcome,, sounds like you have some pretty busy days, can you incorporate your exercise into thiers somehow? just an idea, get you all moving. Feel free to add me if you like. Good luck :smiley: