Do you ever follow a binge with a fast?



  • trigden1991
    trigden1991 Posts: 4,658 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    The very rare day when I'm not hungry the next day, sure. But otherwise I just go back to my normal deficit.

    I envy the people who 'are still so full from last night's dinner'.

    Right? I don't understand this. LOL

    Same. I can have a epic, epic lunch and will still want dinner.

    I can relate to this. Lunch today was 1800 calories, this was 90 minutes ago and I feel like I need a snack already.
  • brznhabits
    brznhabits Posts: 126 Member
    Nope no fast, if I don't start over with my better eating habits as soon as possible I'll spiral into a complete derail. I eat at my next healthy time, getting back on plan.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    What is a binge exactly?

    I don't think I've ever had a "binge"...I've had days when I overeat for or BBQ or holiday or whatever...but I just go about my business afterwards.
  • rhiawiz57
    rhiawiz57 Posts: 906 Member
    doing a rather low calorie day the day after a binge is an EXCELLENT tool to keep the binge from making an impact on your weight/diet/morale!
  • StealthHealth
    StealthHealth Posts: 2,417 Member
    Tried that, backfired spectacularly and just led to more binging.

    My experience also. I'm much better at avoiding binge type behaviour these days but when I over indulge, I tend to shrug it off and eat normally (to plan) the next day.
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    While I have never been a binger per se, I have eaten way over my calories plenty of times.

    I am just as hungry the next day!
  • kschwab0203
    kschwab0203 Posts: 610 Member
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    What is a binge exactly?

    I don't think I've ever had a "binge"...I've had days when I overeat for or BBQ or holiday or whatever...but I just go about my business afterwards.

    For me a "binge" is when I eat compulsively, almost as if I can't control it...there are usually negative emtions attached to's a little more than just eating a little too much
  • Ravenwing101
    Ravenwing101 Posts: 6 Member
    I generally just try to keep tracking. I'm a tried-and-true foodie, and I kind of rode the holiday hedonism too long. MFP has helped me a lot and I've lost 3.5 lb in two weeks (my next weigh-in is Friday), but I love food. MFP is keeping me honest and yet I don't feel deprived, which is a big change compared to how I used to diet.

    That said, binging isn't so much a problem for me but if I get ahold of something DELICIOUS I can get a little carried away. Or in this year's case, a LOT. Just make up for it the next day with veggies (a nice salad) and more water to replace, say, sodas or salty snacks. Balance is key, I've found.

    I'm not familiar with fasting but I have done a liquid fast before. It does a good job to "reset" your system, but I wouldn't do it more than one day at a time.
  • ShortChef
    ShortChef Posts: 18 Member
    Use to be able to fast after a "binge day" but then got a job as a chef, I do try to control my eating more....not to well at the moment mind
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    rhiawiz57 wrote: »
    doing a rather low calorie day the day after a binge is an EXCELLENT tool to keep the binge from making an impact on your weight/diet/morale!

    Problems can occur when this is punitive, and part of a disordered relationship with food, and a creation or continuation of a binge/restrict cycle.
  • endlessfall16
    endlessfall16 Posts: 932 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    The very rare day when I'm not hungry the next day, sure. But otherwise I just go back to my normal deficit.

    I envy the people who 'are still so full from last night's dinner'.

    I think I know how you feel. I think by perpetually eating by daily allowance (deficit for losing) you never get true full and train your body to feel satisfied.

    These days It seems like every weekend I go to a buffet restaurant or a pizza place where I intentionally eat as much as possible (short of getting myself sick of course) -- good for the body, mind, and the pocket. I'd love to be able to eat enough to cover the next 2, 3 meals. That would save me time and money.

    After such a big meal I won't get hungry for at least 12 hours. After 24 hours a simple sandwich or a bagel + a vitamin drink is sufficient for the next 8 hours!

  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    Some people say that the best thing to do after you have a big meal is to wait until you are hungry again before you eat again. I see no reason why that shouldn't work with a binge as well. While it may not offset all of the extra calories, skipping meals until you are hungry again won't set you up for the regular binge/starve cycle because you don't allow yourself to get so hungry that you have trouble controlling your eating.

    A reason could be that binge eating is out of control eating, you eat beyond full, and you don't react rationally to hunger either.

    Imtroducing a regular eating pattern and going back to it as soon as possible after slipups is a way to get back control over one's eating.
  • onward1
    onward1 Posts: 386 Member
    I never fast. I just start the next day and get back on track. In fact, I don't think I could fast. Ever.
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    I don't think I 'binge' as that seems to imply out of control eating, but I do usually fast on Mondays because I like to overeat on the weekends. I just started doing this a couple of months ago but it's working really well so far.
  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,013 Member
    edited April 2017
    I had a binge a few weeks ago, and the next day I fasted. I actually found it to be a relief from calorie counting, weighing food, planning out what my meals and snacks were within my calorie limits etc. I know what triggered the binge, and its more uncomfortable emotions I am dealing with rather than feeling overly restricted with my diet though. So I am not sure if I will fast tomorrow or just get back to eating in my usual calorie deficit, or if maybe I should just eat in maintenance for the next few days and give myself a break from dieting. I am going to sleep on it as its 11pm here in Sydney, so night night mfp. Will check this thread when I wake up in the morning on my way to work.

    So if this is something that happens every couple of weeks, I would be concerned that this could develop into a binge/restrict disorder. I think there are some different things you could consider:
    1. Can you come up with a better way to deal with whatever triggered your binges?
    2. Is your diet too restrictive? Even if a binge is a reaction to an emotional experience, if your diet is too restrictive it could be making the comfort eating worse. Like you could have just reacted by eating 300 calories of cookies, but because your diet is too restrictive, that 300 cals turned into a binge.
    3. Does giving yourself permission to fast the next day make a binge more likely?

    I won't pretend to know if any of those ideas pertain to you, or what your answers would be if they do. I have never had a legit binge, though I have had nights where I went overboard on the comfort eating and ended up over maintenance calories. I never restrict after those, as I found that the lower cal next day basically kept me uncomfortable and out of balance, and made it harder for me to get back on plan. But I get hangry super easily, so I'm not the best example!
  • BoxerBrawler
    BoxerBrawler Posts: 2,032 Member
    Sometimes I feel like I want to binge but I've learned to snap out of it. If I did binge however, I'd just resume my normal nutritional plan the next day and so on. I may or may not get a little extra exercise to even things out over the week.
  • VintageFeline
    VintageFeline Posts: 6,771 Member
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    What is a binge exactly?

    I don't think I've ever had a "binge"...I've had days when I overeat for or BBQ or holiday or whatever...but I just go about my business afterwards.

    For me a "binge" is when I eat compulsively, almost as if I can't control it...there are usually negative emtions attached to's a little more than just eating a little too much

    Yup. Usually on calorie dense treat foods, chips, chocolate, pastries, donuts, that sort of thing.
  • rhiawiz57
    rhiawiz57 Posts: 906 Member
    edited April 2017
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    rhiawiz57 wrote: »
    doing a rather low calorie day the day after a binge is an EXCELLENT tool to keep the binge from making an impact on your weight/diet/morale!

    Problems can occur when this is punitive, and part of a disordered relationship with food, and a creation or continuation of a binge/restrict cycle.

    i hear you. it's not like that to me, i'm simply saying "i have a calorie budget, and i went way over yesterday, so i have limited calories today". i do 9900 calories per week and if i do 2500 in one day, then i have to have lower calorie days if i still want to lose weight that week. no emotions about it.
  • lasvegasconcertgirl
    lasvegasconcertgirl Posts: 33 Member
    Assuming we're not talking one time, your question actually describes bulimia... Just sayin'.
  • VintageFeline
    VintageFeline Posts: 6,771 Member
    Assuming we're not talking one time, your question actually describes bulimia... Just sayin'.

    Not if there's no purge. Bulimics binge then purge. When it's just binging it's binge eating disorder.