How can i keep myself motivated for the gym?



  • peaceout_aly
    peaceout_aly Posts: 2,018 Member
    I am a wake up and decide to go to the gym at random type of person. I go for a few days, then stop. I feel intimated when I step inside. It's very aggravating when you know where you want to be, but always put yourself down and give up.

    Realize that EVERYONE feels intimidated sometimes. I've been going to the gym for 5-years and heavy lifting for 2-years and I STILL feel intimidated when the Strongman Competitor dude steps in the weight section. Heck, I still feel intimidated when a new fit chick struts in and shows off her abs. Intimidation kills dedication. Throw on your headphones and zone out. Think of the gym as therapy. Try to realize that the majority of people that are there are doing this exact thing - zoning out in their own work out and not paying attention to what anyone else around them is doing.

    If you struggle to get in the gym for other reasons, schedule it. Make it part of your to-do list and put it pretty high up until it becomes a habit. Set realistic, reachable goals such as 3x week and then 5 x week and you will create a habit.
  • zorbaru
    zorbaru Posts: 1,077 Member
    having a set program is key. when i was going previously i would just go and aimlessly do stuff. now i have a program to follow it is much easier to get the motivation to go