Preparing for a vacation

What do you do to prepare for a vacation? We are heading to my inlaws' house soon. My mother in law loves to cook and is amazing at it. Big, elaborate meals with decadent side dishes and a different dessert (or two) every night. Of course she also has lots of homemade zucchini bread and giant peanut butter/chocolate chip/oatmeal cookies for "snacking" (along with a fully stocked fridge and pantry). It's just how she loves on her family.

Even if I don't go nuts, I still like to enjoy myself and try some of everything. How would you handle it? Would you eat at a deficit for like two weeks prior? Still try to log calories while there?

(Just some background on me- I'm currently pregnant w/ my last and trying to maintain my current weight (I've gained about the recommended amount and I need to stay as fit as possible to help my circulation). Over the years I have learned calorie counting is the best approach for me to stay in shape but I get burnt out on it, often because of situations like these that I feel like I can't control.)


  • janjunie
    janjunie Posts: 1,200 Member
    Well since you are pregnant, I wouldn't recommend eating at a deficit at all. Just enjoy the food in moderation ( I know easier said than done sometimes).
  • EmbeeKay
    EmbeeKay Posts: 249 Member
    That's the thing! It's SO much easier said than done! I'm not looking for an excuse to go crazy, but I have an ok handle on how many calories are in things and even if I tried some of everything, I would be well over maintenance, which for me is about 1900 cal.

    I would not ever eat at a deficit to try to lose weight while pregnant, but I figured since I would wipe out any deficit created in one weekend that it would all be a wash? You don't agree? :p

    But let's even say, for a non-pregnant person… How would you deal with the situation? Because I do find myself in the situations while not pregnant, of course.
  • Glossberg
    Glossberg Posts: 40 Member
    Eating at a deficit before is a nice option to have. However, since it's not a good option for you I'd try to focus on two areas. 1. Exercise just a little bit more than you would if you were at home. 2. Most importantly plan as best you can and enter ahead of time on mfp.

    I'm on vacation now and along with a little extra exercise I try my best to find out what we will eating the days ahead. I pick where my priorities will be on certain meals and desserts and proper portions. It's not easy seeing others eat more than you and it takes discipline but it's doable.

    With that said, it's okay if you go over a little here and there. Try your best not to stress about it. In the grand scheme of things you're talking about a few days of enjoying yourself. The goal is good health the rest of your life.
  • NorthCascades
    NorthCascades Posts: 10,968 Member
    EmbeeKay wrote: »
    What do you do to prepare for a vacation?

    Find hiking trails and good bike routes where I'm going, find places to swim, rent skis, etc. :smile:
  • acmorris77
    acmorris77 Posts: 80 Member
    Get up and take short walks after every meal!
  • Kimblesnbits13
    Kimblesnbits13 Posts: 369 Member
    Oh you are going through what I go through about 4 times a year with the inlaws! I know what it's like. Actually, next month I'll be going on a week long vacation with my husbands family....Usually i come back with like 2-3 lbs that I have to lose. (of real weight not water weight) I'm gonna be in a deficit up until then because I'd like to lose my last 3 lbs to get to ultimate goal. But while I'm with them I try to be as mindful as possible and eat only when hungry stop when I'm content but not "full" This worked in January and i didnt gain anything at all. BUT, i don't know what I'd do if i was pregnant....I'd probably eat everything! I'm sorry I'm no help!
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    We go see my wife's parents a couple times per MIL is a great cook and there's always a lot of food around...I enjoy myself, but I don't have to eat all of the food just because all of the food is available. I eat in appropriate portions just like I do at home. I also usually bring my bike and ride every wife goes for a run every day.

    At home we also have a fully stocked pantry and fridge and we have kids, so there's always goodies around...I just don't eat it all just because it happens to be there and available.
  • EmbeeKay
    EmbeeKay Posts: 249 Member
    Thanks for all your feedback!

    You know, upping my activity did NOT occur to me (duh!). And I like being active!

    The weather while we're there will be nice enough to get out. I'll be away from the food and I'll be burning calories, so win-win!

    The thing about pregnancy is, it seems, once you gain a pound, it does NOT come off until that baby comes out! Haha.
  • richardgavel
    richardgavel Posts: 1,001 Member
    I would continue to log on vacation, even though it might not be as accurate. That helps to keep me on track. Eating at a deficit beforehand might cause you to actually eat more later. My thought is to stay on plan as long as possible and limit deviations as that helps with habit reinforcement.
  • janjunie
    janjunie Posts: 1,200 Member
    EmbeeKay wrote: »
    But let's even say, for a non-pregnant person… How would you deal with the situation? Because I do find myself in the situations while not pregnant, of course.

    I came back from vacation almost 2 weeks ago and I didn't do anything to prepare. I did however move a lot, we walked everywhere and were generally gone for 10-12 hours each day. I ate whatever I wanted, didn't count calories but didn't stuff myself stupid. I came back up less than a lb, but that could be normal daily fluctuations. The key for me was being active and not stressing.

  • hcdo
    hcdo Posts: 201 Member
    Since your MIL loves cooking for family, maybe you could ask her to make some less calorie-dense foods? Not to go totally out of her way and create whole separate meals for you or anything, but if she really likes showing her love this way, maybe she'd be happy to comply. You could explain it's for your circulation, etc., and that way it wouldn't make her feel bad if you don't eat the higher calorie stuff. Of course, resisting what's already there will be hard... I have no help for that. Sorry.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    edited April 2017
    Be as active as you can. That's my only advice. There's no way I'd have the willpower to resist all that food.
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    hcdo wrote: »
    Since your MIL loves cooking for family, maybe you could ask her to make some less calorie-dense foods? Not to go totally out of her way and create whole separate meals for you or anything, but if she really likes showing her love this way, maybe she'd be happy to comply. You could explain it's for your circulation, etc., and that way it wouldn't make her feel bad if you don't eat the higher calorie stuff. Of course, resisting what's already there will be hard... I have no help for that. Sorry.

    I think this would be rude to do, let the MIL make what she wants - its up to everyone to choose how much of it they want to eat - go for smaller portions would be my advice and keep active.
    Home made food is the biz anyway and usually much better calorie wise than when eating out imo.
  • __TMac__
    __TMac__ Posts: 1,669 Member
    hcdo wrote: »
    Since your MIL loves cooking for family, maybe you could ask her to make some less calorie-dense foods? Not to go totally out of her way and create whole separate meals for you or anything, but if she really likes showing her love this way, maybe she'd be happy to comply. You could explain it's for your circulation, etc., and that way it wouldn't make her feel bad if you don't eat the higher calorie stuff. Of course, resisting what's already there will be hard... I have no help for that. Sorry.

    Just say, "It's for the baby." I bet she'd be thrilled to help. :)
  • trigden1991
    trigden1991 Posts: 4,658 Member
    If it's for less than a week then don't stress about it.

    My holiday "plan" is always;

    - be as active as possible
    - Limit calories consumed in drinks (alcohol/sugary beverages)
    - Exercise some level of self control (where possible)
  • EmbeeKay
    EmbeeKay Posts: 249 Member
    hcdo wrote: »
    Since your MIL loves cooking for family, maybe you could ask her to make some less calorie-dense foods? Not to go totally out of her way and create whole separate meals for you or anything, but if she really likes showing her love this way, maybe she'd be happy to comply. You could explain it's for your circulation, etc., and that way it wouldn't make her feel bad if you don't eat the higher calorie stuff. Of course, resisting what's already there will be hard... I have no help for that. Sorry.

    It's not that she doesn't make salads on the side… It's just hard to pass up the bacon potato salad or apricot scones or whatever ;) I guess that's where my willpower comes in. I definitely wouldn't waltz into the kitchen and ask her to stop making that bacon potato salad! Haha. I know that's not what you meant.

    You guys have given me good tips, thank you!!!

  • richardgavel
    richardgavel Posts: 1,001 Member
    What about a protein bar, since that might help with satiety?
  • MelanieCN77
    MelanieCN77 Posts: 4,047 Member
    I'm heading home to family in June and this is on my mind, too. I think my plan is to maintain an exercise level and to just log everything. The act of tracking whatever it is will usually keep me in check, I think allowing a splurge while also throwing the logging out of the window is where the potential for ridiculousness is. There's no way I'm going home and not eating my mum's roast or a sausage roll or a curry or my sister's wedding cake, but maybe I can balance it.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    edited April 2017
    EmbeeKay wrote: »
    hcdo wrote: »
    Since your MIL loves cooking for family, maybe you could ask her to make some less calorie-dense foods? Not to go totally out of her way and create whole separate meals for you or anything, but if she really likes showing her love this way, maybe she'd be happy to comply. You could explain it's for your circulation, etc., and that way it wouldn't make her feel bad if you don't eat the higher calorie stuff. Of course, resisting what's already there will be hard... I have no help for that. Sorry.

    It's not that she doesn't make salads on the side… It's just hard to pass up the bacon potato salad or apricot scones or whatever ;) I guess that's where my willpower comes in. I definitely wouldn't waltz into the kitchen and ask her to stop making that bacon potato salad! Haha. I know that's not what you meant.

    You guys have given me good tips, thank you!!!

    You can eat that stuff, just don't pile it onto your plate.

    Also, when I'm on vacation I'm always way more active than at home where I spend 10 hrs pretty much daily sitting on my rear. Even if I'm not doing any deliberate type of exercise, I'm still really active when I'm on vacation. I typically lose weight on vacation whether I'm trying to or not.
  • nowine4me
    nowine4me Posts: 3,985 Member
    My old tactic was to eat something before large family meals to fill up a little. But then, I'd eat what I wanted anyway. The the pre-meal really just added even more calories to the meal. Be mindful. Eat slowly and only eat what you really love.