Back after a bit of a break....and a bit of a gain!

So I did very well last summer and got down to a weight I was happy with but over the winter I have gained it all back again!

I'm not talking about huge amounts of weight, I started at 9st 7lbs and got down to 8st 7lbs, although was averaging nearer to 8st 10. (5ft 5 female).

I think I took it all a bit seriously and might have restricted too much as now I'm back up to 9st 6lbs after struggling with binge eating recently.

I'm excited to get back control and am planning on taking a sensible approach of aiming to lose 0.5 lbs a week. I was very obsessed with macros but am simplifying for now and just focusing on CICO. And have simple meals that are easy to prepare.

I just wanted to wish everyone all the best wherever you are in your journey. It's not easy. We can do this!