Time for a come back... and it's really hard!

A little back story.... I joined MFP 5 years ago in April of 2012. My SW was 175. My original goal was to loose 25 pounds but in a year, I lost 40. I went from walking to running half marathons and competing in triathlons in about a year and a half. It was absolutely amazing!

Through the next couple of years, I maintained my weight and continued to run and exercise and just enjoy this new life.

A little over a year ago, I was training for another half marathon, and I could tell that something just wasn't right. I was sluggish, tired all of the time, and never really felt well. I just assumed I was over training and under eating so I ate a little more and kept right on going. It did not help much but I had a half marathon to run so that's what I focused on.

I ran the half marathon and literally gave it my all... to the point where I had to be helped once I crossed the finish line. I had nothing left in me to even walk. I decided it would be my best interest to take a couple weeks off and let my body recover so that's what I did. But it didn't help.

So I scheduled my annual physical and blood work just to make sure that there wasn't something else wrong. So I went and had all of the fun stuff done to me. Then a phone call said that something was a little off so they wanted to do more testing. Results came back and I got that phone call.

Cervical cancer.

Holy crap! What?! I cried and called my family and close friends and then sprung into get s**t done mode. What is the plan? What can we do?

So, in September I had a hysterectomy to remove all of my body parts that could have been affected. And, by the grace of God, they got everything. That meant no chemo, no radiation, and no more cancer.

So here I am 6 months later and I am finally feeling somewhat normal. I am also 20 pound heavier than my lowest weight.

So, I am working on my comeback. Once I was maintaining, my body seemed to like 140 pounds, so that is my new goal... loose 15 pounds. This is the middle of the second week that I am actually taking this seriously. Working out 5 days a week and eating better and being accountable.

And I do not ever want to have to start over again!

Anyone else starting over? Its harder after the first time around.....


  • wishfuljune
    wishfuljune Posts: 2,602 Member
    Wow! Your story is truly inspiring. I have about 20lbs to lose, after starting at 206. I'm not down to 170, and my doctor wants me at 150.

    I wish you the best of luck!!
  • jen3415
    jen3415 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi Jen. It's wonderful to hear they were able to get all the cancer with surgery and that you are ready to take on life again. No doubt your positive outlook has been a huge help.

    I started MFP in 2013 (I think) at about 190 lbs and lost 35 lbs. I had hip repair (not replacement) surgery 7 months ago and still have pretty limited activity. It turns out that a medical issue is affecting a lot of my joints. The treatment program is exercise but it will still be a number of months before I can get back to any kind of cardio or anything that will burn calories.

    I've regained all the weight but think I'm ready to start getting it back under control again. It won't be as easy to lose without the exercise so motivation is going to be more important than ever. Thanks for starting this thread.

    Another Jen
  • heyitskaydee
    heyitskaydee Posts: 27 Member
    You are so inspiring! You got this girl