Weight training and cutting

cpbendall Posts: 12 Member
Real interested to see how people with similar goals eat/train. My basic goal is cut and maintain muscle. I'm continuously trying to learn from others and see how you're all progressing.
Feel free to drop me a friend request if you're in a similar boat.


  • figureitout87
    figureitout87 Posts: 126 Member
    I'm a baby gym goer with about a 20-30lb loss end goal, however I'd rather get stronger than lose weight quickly and I genuinely am not too concerned about the number on my scale.

    I'm currently strength training 4-5 times per week while also doing about 20 minutes of cardio (generally 12.5% incline at 3-3.5mph).

    My strength is definitely increasing, and I'm slowly shedding weight/body is changing. This is my plan for the next month or so before I reassess what takes priority. Taking it slow and steady is helping me learn more about what I'm actually doing. I have a meeting with a PT on Monday to go over my goals, and I'll probably get some sessions in the summer to get comfortable with a barbell.

    Not sure if I count, but feel free to add me if that appeals to you!
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