Dizzy on 1400 calories a day



  • adamgoleafs87
    adamgoleafs87 Posts: 129 Member
    Why not go see your doctor?

    Probably the best idea.
  • stealthq
    stealthq Posts: 4,298 Member
    edited April 2017
    I am having this same problem and started to get a little worried; it's been about 3 weeks now. Then I remembered I started getting dizzy right after I refilled my blood pressure medicine, and the pharmacy had changed owners. I've been taking blood pressure medicine for 35 years and never had an issue with it. But today I looked at the bottle, and yes, it says it may cause dizziness. It's probably not a coincidence. I still feel lightheaded on occasion, but I feel much better knowing there's a reason.

    For the OP, is there any medication, prescribed or OTC, that you used over the past three days? I hope you stop feeling dizzy soon.

    Just a note here for if you are losing weight ...

    It's not uncommon after losing some weight for your BP to come down. For some, it's rather precipitous even without a great deal of weight lost. Please make sure your dizziness is due to a side effect and not because your BP is dropping too low and you need to adjust your dosage. It can be dangerous if you need to and don't realize.
  • Running_and_Coffee
    Running_and_Coffee Posts: 811 Member
    If it's not a medical problem, is it possible you're not getting enough filling foods, like fruit, veggies, protein, whole grain, healthy fat? I eat a little less than that most days while exercising (350-600 calorie burn) and have never felt dizzy.