Count my pedometer or not? How do you do it?

Hi - I'm new and have been putting my pedometer steps, miles, and calories burned in under my exercises, but i was thinking maybe I shouldn't, as 1/3 to 1/2 of that, depending on the day, is just the walking that is part of daily activities (the rest being from a real exercise walk). My concern is that maybe those daily activity calories are really part of the initial (no exercise) calorie limit, and when I put the pedometer in it adds those calorie on, sort of giving me twice what I should have. I don't use the pedometer when on the treadmill, so I know that isn't doubled. Any thoughts? Hope the question makes sense....thanks in advance for any replies!


  • Alphastate
    Alphastate Posts: 295 Member
    Yes, the pedometer calculations from normal walking does correlate to your normal daily activity. Personally, I don't add exercise calories into MFP at all. It gives you the opportunity to think you can eat more, especially because MFP exercise database isn't 100% accurate. In my opinion, pick a calorie goal and stick to it. Maybe eating a couple hundred calories more on workout days.