Vitamins and supplements

dietkatie5309 Posts: 20 Member
edited April 2017 in Getting Started
I currently take a 1 a day vitamin plus 1200 mugs of calcium and 1,000 mgs of magnesium. I need to switch from magnesium oxide to citrate or glycinate because it's better absorbed and I also need to add a fish oil supplement.

What vitamins and supplements do you take and why?


  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    One a Day (for the iron mostly). Low hematocrit levels from time to time.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    cod liver oil with glucosamine
  • ariceroni
    ariceroni Posts: 422 Member
    Vegan multivitamin for the B12 and iron, taken with breakfast, and then a calcium/vitamin D supplement with lunch. It's important not to take iron and calcium supplements at the same time, because they interfere with the absorption of each other! I believe magnesium might have a similar effect with calcium, so I'd suggest taking those two at separate times of the day if you aren't already :)
  • BoxerBrawler
    BoxerBrawler Posts: 2,032 Member
    Currently I am taking an Omega / (non fish) oil because I am allergic to shell fish. Vega multi-V drink, L-Carnitine for muscle repair-recovery and appetite suppressant and Glutamine for the extra BCAA bump for heavy lifting and boxing. Also take white kidney bean as a carb blocker < it doesn't really "block" carbs, just helps the body processes them. Other than that I drink mushroom coffee for mental focus and production and I use Vega Protein and Greens for the extra plant based protein bump :smile: Sometimes I feel like a science project, but it all works so well for my current training programs right now.
  • BoxerBrawler
    BoxerBrawler Posts: 2,032 Member
    ariceroni wrote: »
    Vegan multivitamin for the B12 and iron, taken with breakfast, and then a calcium/vitamin D supplement with lunch. It's important not to take iron and calcium supplements at the same time, because they interfere with the absorption of each other! I believe magnesium might have a similar effect with calcium, so I'd suggest taking those two at separate times of the day if you aren't already :)

    Hey, what brand of Vegan B12 and Iron do you use? and where did you find it?
  • Fuzzipeg
    Fuzzipeg Posts: 2,298 Member
    To generalise, when taking a multivitamin/mineral it is generally unwise to add extra of items listed on the wrapper for fear of having to much of any one thing, unless advised by a specialist. More of anything is not necessarily better. Vitamin "a" is something not to have too much of, I can't recall the reason.

    It is often said, someone with a rich and varied diet needs not take any supliments because their overall diet will cover all the bases. As someone who has Hashimoto's, the most common form of hypothyroidism, I would suggest anyone in a simplar position would be best advised to take a broad spectrum supliment because the condition plays havock with the digestion, reduces transit times and will reduce gut microbes this ensures natural absorption from a seemly good diet, is poor.

    Vitamin d is advised for Brits to take over winter. Those with eye issues may benefit from vitamins c and e. there is so much information available. B6 and vit c can help with allergies contributing to dao production. Finding a good product is probably more difficult than finding "a this will do" presentation using the cheapest ingredients.

    Seeing a vegan comment above, might I suggest vegetarians and vegans take enzyme Q 10, it seems this is something they can lack as well as those of us who are longer in the tooth. I read 100 mg is usually enough but products vary between a few mg (I use 30 mg x twice, the pack says up to three) whereas others come as 100 mg and say take more than one.

    As with all things its a question of doing your own research and doing what is right for YOU.
  • ariceroni
    ariceroni Posts: 422 Member
    ariceroni wrote: »
    Vegan multivitamin for the B12 and iron, taken with breakfast, and then a calcium/vitamin D supplement with lunch. It's important not to take iron and calcium supplements at the same time, because they interfere with the absorption of each other! I believe magnesium might have a similar effect with calcium, so I'd suggest taking those two at separate times of the day if you aren't already :)

    Hey, what brand of Vegan B12 and Iron do you use? and where did you find it?

    The brand I use is Deva, their vegan multivitamin and mineral supplement. They have an iron-free version but I prefer the one with iron as that's a big reason why I take it! It has only 100 mg of calcium so I supplement that as well (I have low bone density so GP recommened I supplement). I'm lazy so I just buy it on Amazon haha
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    I take a men's one a day to cover the bases...I'm D deficient even though I spend quite a bit of time outside so I take 5,000 IU D3...I take a magnesium supplement as it was suggested to me for a lot of cramping issues I was having during and after exercise and it has helped considerably.

    I don't take fish oil supplements anymore because I eat fish pretty much 5x per week, often a couple of times per day.
  • StarvingDiva
    StarvingDiva Posts: 1,107 Member
    I take Cod Liver Oil, Probiotic, Hairfluence (for hair loss), D3 and Calcium and Myo-Isotol. I also take NO on my lifting days and always bcaas on my workout days. I also use magnesium oil in spray form.
  • IVMay
    IVMay Posts: 442 Member
    Admittedly I do take multivits and minerals. Also chondroitin and glucosamine each day and fish oils.
  • SummerSkier
    SummerSkier Posts: 4,863 Member
    I take Cod Liver Oil, Probiotic, Hairfluence (for hair loss), D3 and Calcium and Myo-Isotol. I also take NO on my lifting days and always bcaas on my workout days. I also use magnesium oil in spray form.

    Have you noticed any results from the hairfluence? I see it has 10k times the biotin I was taking. I have hair breakage probably due to age and synthroid.
  • StarvingDiva
    StarvingDiva Posts: 1,107 Member
    I take Cod Liver Oil, Probiotic, Hairfluence (for hair loss), D3 and Calcium and Myo-Isotol. I also take NO on my lifting days and always bcaas on my workout days. I also use magnesium oil in spray form.

    Have you noticed any results from the hairfluence? I see it has 10k times the biotin I was taking. I have hair breakage probably due to age and synthroid.

    Honestly I have had good results with it, I have PCOS so the hair loss has a been a big thing for me, but even more so I have a small fasciablaster that I use on my scalp every day when I put my conditioner in and I feel like I've gotten better results with that, I've actually stopped the hairfluence at this point, I'm looking to see if my hair loss and new hair growth continues with just using the fasciablaster stimulating my scalp. If I start to lose again significantly I will probably go back to the hairfluence.