How a Plant Based Lifestyle Helped Me

sandrita0706 Posts: 16 Member
edited April 2017 in Food and Nutrition
Hey everyone,

My name is Sandra and I've decided to be back on the MyFitnessPal app to track my nutrition intake. In the last 8 years I've lost between 25-30lbs. Back in high school I didn't live a healthy lifestyle. My diet consisted of burgers, pizzas, cookies, brownies and LOTS of boba...aka garbage. As I graduated I developed Body dysmorphia, I began to compulsively exercise (6 days/wk, 2hr/day) and binge eat. When I realized something was wrong with me, I knew I needed to change my lifestyle so I began to learn about nutrition. Along with that, I learned about the appalling and cruel agricultural food system (that's a whole other topic) so I turned to eating a vegetarian diet. However, my compulsive habits continued. I thought being vegetarian meant less meat, therefore more cheese and bread. For 5 years after, I suffered with my disorder. I allowed the scale to be a determinant of my self-worth and my confidence fell to its lowest. Until 2 years ago (2015), I finally transitioned to a 100% Plant-based lifestyle (no animal products). Immediately, I noticed great changes both in my mind and physical, and I began to heal. My transformative process allowed my body to take its natural shape as I became more mindful of what I was eating and more compassionate with how much I exercised. The best part of eating plant-based foods is you don't really have to ever watch what you eat bc you're eating mostly whole non-processed foods! The benefits of whole veggies, fruits, nuts, legumes are incomparable to any supplement or fad diet out there. Today, I can confidently say I'm happy with who I am and how I look. I now have a new goal in mind as I use this app. I want to maintain my weight, make sure I'm consuming enough nutrients to do so, and hopefully gain muscle as I balance my diet with my fitness. Thanks for reading!rk6wsvy3uqx9.png


  • mgbond21
    mgbond21 Posts: 9 Member
    This is so awesome! I just started with this app and I'm really excited about reaching my goals! Your story is amazing and inspiring! Thanks!
  • skinnycow1234567
    skinnycow1234567 Posts: 167 Member
    Thats awesome..
    You can help me then.
    For the 40 days of lent i went vegan.... My problem is that i do body building and with this vegan diet i find it very hard to keep my protein up and not go way over on carbs.
    P.S ....I cant handle the texture of tofu..
    Any suggestions would be great.
  • sandrita0706
    sandrita0706 Posts: 16 Member
    edited April 2017
    @skinnycow1234567 Thank you! I can totally relate with your tofu comment lol. It's definitely an acquired texture that took me some time to get used to. Though, that doesn't mean you must acquire it. There are plenty of other yummy protein sources, tempeh and seitan are two of my favorites! You can season and flavor them however you'd like and they'll provide you with a great amount of nutrients. Other wonderful protein rich foods are lentils (black beans, all beans, yummy!), nuts, greens, whole grains (brown rice, pasta), and the best one of all, quinoa!
  • sandrita0706
    sandrita0706 Posts: 16 Member
    Thank you so much for the love and support! You will definitely reach your goals with your positive energy. Get it girl! @mgbond21
  • sandrita0706
    sandrita0706 Posts: 16 Member
    @skinnycow1234567 For some reason the last part of my comment deleted! I recommended you look up vegan athletes with the body type you're aiming for or trying to maintain and see how they eat. One great example of plant based and muscular is Vegan Olympic Weightlifter, Kendrick Farris. Maybe he has a few articles or answers on how he achieves his physique. Or David Carter, aka the 300lb vegan, an NFL Defensive Lineman. I also recommend using hashtags on social media to see if you come across a page you find resourceful. #veganweightlifter, #veganfitness #plantbasedmuscles, etc. Hope this helps! :)
  • skinnycow1234567
    skinnycow1234567 Posts: 167 Member
    @sandrita0706 ...Thank you so much for taking the time to explain. Wish i met you when i started this.
    I have only 1 more week to go... Will still keep a clean eatiing lifestyle,but i REALLY need to add some non-vegan items back to my diet.
    Thanks you rock...
  • sandrita0706
    sandrita0706 Posts: 16 Member
    Good job for committing all the way through. Of course, it's all about balance, Best of luck! :)@skinnycow1234567
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    Awesome! Glad you have your issues under control and have found a plan that works and is easy for you to keep an energy balance.
  • 3bambi3
    3bambi3 Posts: 1,650 Member
    I'm glad you found something that works for you. However, there are plenty of processed vegan foods and, just like any other way of eating, if you consume more than you expend you will put on weight.
  • sandrita0706
    sandrita0706 Posts: 16 Member
    Absolutely! I still enjoy munching on vegan donuts and other vegan pastries here and there. Nobody is perfect and we all deserve a little treat! :)@3bambi3
  • sandrita0706
    sandrita0706 Posts: 16 Member
    It can be true for everyone BUT it does require some research and understanding of what your body's needs are! It's ultimately all about balanced and incorporating as many fruits and veggies into your diet, regardless of following a plantbased lifestyle or not. Best of luck @janejellyroll
  • 3bambi3
    3bambi3 Posts: 1,650 Member
    Absolutely! I still enjoy munching on vegan donuts and other vegan pastries here and there. Nobody is perfect and we all deserve a little treat! :)@3bambi3

    Agree! When I went vegan for health issues, oreos were my guilty pleasure :wink:
  • sandrita0706
    sandrita0706 Posts: 16 Member
    Omg, don't get me started with Oreos. My weakness
  • sandrita0706
    sandrita0706 Posts: 16 Member
    That's why, it's all about balance. Fitness gives you that flexibility. No fitness, no excuse to over eat and that's not a plantbased problem, that's a like-disorder like the one I suffered. I'm here for moral support for anyone going through that ❤️ @hornsby
  • sandrita0706
    sandrita0706 Posts: 16 Member
    edited April 2017
    I think people are wise enough to understand that this is me sharing MY journey and that everyone has their own. Just like your method works for YOU. Don't go around telling people what they need to feel, say, or think. If you don't like positive affirmations then you don't need luck. You need a mind shift change. Be positive, and respectful of other people's journey @janejellyroll sending you all the positive vibez that this universe has to offer you. ✨✨✨✨✨
  • sandrita0706
    sandrita0706 Posts: 16 Member