Hi I'm Lee

leew88 Posts: 62 Member
Hi I'm Lee

My objective is maintain muscle, possibly even grow but mostly decrease body fat so I am eating at a deficit.

Hitting the gym 5-7 days a week, highly focused on weights, I am also intermittent fasting 16-8. 11am - 7pm eating window.

I rotate working mornings and evenings so my workout times change but my food doesn't. One week I'll be training fasted, the next I won't.

Food is always high protein, with veg/salad, carbs post workout, tend to be filling the gaps upon approaching 7pm with good peanut butter and finally casein protein at 7pm.

22 days in. Seeing results so far. Just wondering what you guys think and see if you could make any improvements for me :)
Any tips welcome


  • leew88
    leew88 Posts: 62 Member
    Oh forgot to mention, my calorie and macro goal is based on my tdee -deficit, though at a minimum I must always eat my bmr, no matter what.
  • SarcasticBlondie
    SarcasticBlondie Posts: 836 Member
    Hello Lee, Welcome to MFP
  • IVMay
    IVMay Posts: 442 Member
    How are you finding it so far in terms of recovery time? Glad you're seeing progress. Given your profile pic it doesn't look like you are carrying a lot of bodyfat?

    How much muscle are you planning on gaining? Great stuff if you're making progress by the way :)

    PS I love peanut butter too myself. Use it in my oatmeal :)
  • leew88
    leew88 Posts: 62 Member
    Generally, recovery has been OK as I've been doing a single muscle group each day so will do chest, legs, back.. Etc but I just listen to my body and a close friend and work colleague is a physiotherapist who helps me a lot. Been advised to rest this weekend so I did a little HIIT on treadmill today and that's it, maybe gentle cardio sat or sun, will continue Monday on weights.
    I don't have loads of body fat to lose but most of us struggle to fully reveal the lower abs I guess that's my main goal.
    Honestly I'm not expecting to grow muscle, eating at a deficit I'm just not, if I can maintain my muscle I'm happy but and only a but If I can develop any extra lean tissue then brilliant.