Need to quit quitting

I was down 3 lbs less than 2 weeks ago. Now i am sure ive gained it back. I need to quit quitting and stop looking so hard at how long it will take to loss 100 lbs and stop letting my emotions to control my eating habit. Im tired of starting over and feeling like a failure. I want to feel better about myself and feel healthy again. I have already become a pre diabetic and dont want to spiral out of control. I am 31 and am not getting any younger. Sorry to vent.


  • Krpinson
    Krpinson Posts: 1 Member
    Congrats on losing those 3 pounds to begin with. I'm guessing you've quit for more than a couple of weeks before, so getting back on tract after less than two weeks is another positive. You're not going to be perfect at this, no one is. Just take it one day at a time. Focus on the first ten pounds as a goal and when you make a mistake (or practically jump off a cliff) fix it sooner next time. Once you start having small wins, they add up At least these are the things I'm telling myself. I'm on week 3 of my restart with the same 15 pounds and another 5 to boot. If you're looking for an accountability partner lmk. Good luck!
  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,072 Member
    tkoontz85 wrote: »
    I was down 3 lbs less than 2 weeks ago. Now i am sure ive gained it back. I need to quit quitting and stop looking so hard at how long it will take to loss 100 lbs and stop letting my emotions to control my eating habit. Im tired of starting over and feeling like a failure. I want to feel better about myself and feel healthy again. I have already become a pre diabetic and dont want to spiral out of control. I am 31 and am not getting any younger. Sorry to vent.

    The best thing to do is work out why you keep quitting, do you have emotional triggers that make you binge eat?, are you being too restrictive? etc, once you come to terms with the underlying reasons you can work towards fixing them.

    As for putting a couple of pounds back on, weight loss is not linear, particularly for women, we are at the mercy of our hormones which amongst many other things that can cause daily fluctuations, for me personally it's not unsual for me to gain 2lb overnight purely from eating out or having a couple of beers (even if I remained within my calorie limit).

    As mentioned above by @Krpinson an accountability buddy can be pretty helpful too.
  • Leah_62803
    Leah_62803 Posts: 292 Member
    I feel ya! If it wasn't for always quitting, I'd be where I want to be. Lol.

    I always do really good for the first few weeks and feel great, then I start resenting it and wanting to eat like I used to, and finally I end up binge eating and giving up. It's what I've done every single time. I still haven't figured out how to prevent that from happening...but I am learning that I can come right back. I did really well a few months ago and lost 17 lbs, then gave up for a couple months and gained 5 lbs back. At first I was so upset with myself but then I tried to focus on the fact that I was still 12 lbs down from my start and I could just start back up.
  • 2011rocket3touring
    2011rocket3touring Posts: 1,346 Member
    Don't look at it as losing 100lbs, look at it as changing habits and work on small changes. In the beginning (especially if your really overweight) the slightest changes will make big differences.
    Focus on the journey and not the destination.
  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,072 Member
    I feel ya! If it wasn't for always quitting, I'd be where I want to be. Lol.

    I always do really good for the first few weeks and feel great, then I start resenting it and wanting to eat like I used to, and finally I end up binge eating and giving up. It's what I've done every single time. I still haven't figured out how to prevent that from happening...but I am learning that I can come right back. I did really well a few months ago and lost 17 lbs, then gave up for a couple months and gained 5 lbs back. At first I was so upset with myself but then I tried to focus on the fact that I was still 12 lbs down from my start and I could just start back up.

    I think the trick to being successful is to not make such dramatic changes to your diet that you feel overwhelmed and deprived of the things you enjoy. There's no reason you can't eat the foods you enjoy as part of a balanced diet. Making smaller more manageable changes can make you less likely to quit and binge. I was a serial starter on MFP from 2011-2015 and would log for about 10-14 days of a 1200 calorie miserable diet before quitting, eating everything in sight and ending up back at square one or worse. This time around I've been logging straight for almost 100 days and I've lost 22lbs since December, I'm fitting a bit of chocolate into most days and still having the odd dinner out or takeaway. I cook meals from scratch, prep a lot in advance and pre-log where I can. I've had one or two binge days mostly around TOM but do you know what, I log them and move on, I've realised most of the weight gain after it is water weight and if I get back to my normal calorie deficit and drink plenty of water the weight comes off again a couple of days later.

    I've used this example in quite a few of my posts, but when I first started out this time around I logged my normal eating habits for a few days to see where I was taking in extra unnecessary calories. One of the biggest things I noticed was the amount of oil I was using to cook food and how calorific normal mayonnaise is. I've now switched to frylight olive oil spray and just use enough to stop stuff sticking to the pan and found some slimming world recipes for their "Syn Free" Fries & Roast Potatoes which incorporate spray instead of normal oil and use the lighter than light mayo from the supermarket instead of full fat. That right there shaves up to 150-250 calories off most of my days.

  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    A little trick I use is to keep adding new things. I like changing up exercises or adding new foods. Changing things and adding new activities or goals keeps things fresh. I also focus more on the short goals than the long term.
  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    You have to change your life. Change old habits for new ones. Move more--stay within your calorie goal everyday. If you slip up, just get back into it the next day. Consistency wins this one. Good luck.
  • Misspinklift
    Misspinklift Posts: 384 Member
    You got MFP support and friends you can make here. I am gonna send you a friend request. Having a strong support system really helps. I have open diary too. You will get there, I believe it!
  • winejunky143
    winejunky143 Posts: 153 Member
    Here are some motivational quotes that helped me when I was discouraged.

    "Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway." -Earl Nightingale

    "Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will." -Karim Seddiki