Diabetic, Heart attack survivor, shakin' things up!

I'm having to educate myself on how to eat healthier, exercise regularly, and understanding what my triggers for overeating.
Absolutely love eating out. Which I am trying to curb along with ice cream at night and portion control. Simply said...I have some serious habits to change. I don't smoke and I don't drink alcohol so I have that in my favor.
I have been a 20/22 plus-sized woman for 10 years now. I weighed 245 when I had my heart attack. I've lost down to 233 as of today. My ultimate weight goal is 150 lbs. I can see myself at 180. So, I have to reach one goal and then start imagining myself where I was after my 3rd child was born. Hoping to find friends here to motivate and gain support from - two way street. I know I can encourage others and by helping others I will ultimately benefit too.
I hope to find new recipe ideas, cooking hints, and how to "pick my poisons" in a healthier way. Need to work in more vegetables and fruits because my calorie count is under my 1500 calories/day goal unless I eat out! HELP!!! Which throws off my sodium intake and sugar control. I need low carb, no sugar, LOW sodium snack ideas. Thanks for your help!!


  • Welcome!

    I was an ice cream addict myself - gave it up in march when I gave up refined sugar.

    Anyway, if you are craving ice cream try making banana ice cream - blend a banana in the blender and then freeze it (or freeze it first and then blend, whichever works better for you, just be sure to peel before freezing).

    Give the banana a couple of hours and it will come out the consistency of soft ice cream. Add a peach to it in the blender and it comes out kind of like a sorbet.

    That might help you wean yourself off ice cream.