Motivational tips? Please help!

Hello everyone, I hope you're well!

Along with many others, I have literally ZERO motivation. I have absolutely no idea how to change that. I really do want to lose the remaining weight but I don't know what's most effective for myself or what I should be doing. I've lost 29lbs, I'm currently 12st 6lbs, so I'm around halfway to my idea of a goal weight. I do suffer with Hypothyroidism and Anxiety but are both sorted and I'm on the right medication with regular visits to the GP. I know it's a little harder to lose weight with thyroid issues, but it literally feels impossible at the moment. I've tried mixing things up as I'm aware it might be the dreaded plateau but again I'm having no luck!

I've tried jogging, but very quickly get out of breath and feel dizzy. I have purchased an exercise bike of which I use at least 45 min a day on different difficulties, no results in the two months I've had it. I've followed HIIT workouts on YouTube, I drink plenty of water, my diet is incredibly balanced with plenty of fruit and veg, and I literally walk everywhere. Where am I going wrong?! :'(

Any tips would be greatly appreciated! As I'm pretty much on the verge of tears getting fed up of being this size when I'm trying my best :(

Thanks in advance <3


  • ZephieC
    ZephieC Posts: 162 Member
    Sounds like you are having a rough go. It is hard to motivate other people. You really need to find something that speaks to you. I did well for my first 20 lbs but now I'm struggling a bit. Weekends are starting to give me troubIe. I like to look at the success boards to boost my motivation. I also set some goals for myself. Like, I turn 40 soon....very soon. At the beginning of the year I had a 40" waist and that isn't what I wanted for myself so my first goal was to see what I could lose before turning 40. Now in May I have a trip to see some family I haven't seen in a while so that is my next motivation, to be looking good and feeling confident. This fall is my 20th wedding anniversary so that is something to look forward too as well. I take pics too, do you have any before and after pics? Losing 29 lbs is a big chunk of weight so you are doing something right. (next time you are shopping, cart around a bag or 2 of potatoes, ditching that extra weight is something to be proud of)
    Are you still measuring and weighing your food accurately? Have you recalculated your goal since you've lost weight? MFP will adjust your calories. As you get smaller it does take longer to lose the weight. I've read on these boards that you can retain water when you switch to different exercises (like adding strength training) as your muscles need it to recover. Lots of women also comment on how they are affected by their hormones/periods so it can seem like nothing is happening for awhile than all of a sudden they lose.
    It sounds like you are doing everything right. I have taken up jogging/running in intervals with walking. You don't have to do it but if you want to, it sounds like you need to start a bit slower. Or you can try power walking by upping your regular walking speed. 45 mins on the bike is impressive, I can barely do 10.
    I highly recommend taking measurements as well. Sometimes the weight doesn't move on the scale but you can tighten your body without being as aware of it. I've lost quite a few inches all around.
    My best suggestion would be to think about how far you've come rather than how far you have to go. You have clearly made great lifestyle changes to benefit your health. I remind myself that I didn't put the weight on overnight so I won't lose it that fast. In fact, it is much easier to put it on than take it off. I had a couple bad binge days and it took me a couple weeks to recover.
    I am hypo as well and have had some struggles with anxiety. Stress does not make weight loss any easier...though knowing you need to relax/distress doesn't make it magically happen.
    Feel free to add me. I am on everyday. If you are feeling discouraged message me. Don't give up!!
    (I am 5' 6", started at 175.8, currently 154.4 with a goal of 135)
  • MelanieCN77
    MelanieCN77 Posts: 4,047 Member
    The first question a lot of people will ask is, even though your diet is balanced and healthy in your eyes, are you weighing and counting and logging it all in? What's your current height/weight and what amount of calories are you currently working with. It's all math and it can be figured out!

    For the exercise part, the bike is great low impact cardio, but for sure slow down on trying to run. Do brisk walks for a while, they'll get you out of breath too and you can burn a respectable amount of calories while doing less damage to your body and mental game while working up to trotting and running if you want. If exercise feels miserable, you're not going to want to keep at it.