Women: how much do you eat NET to maintain



  • Seffell
    Seffell Posts: 2,226 Member
    Thanks everyone! This has been very insightful.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,912 Member
    Somewhere in the vicinity of 2000 net to maintain. I'm 5'5", weight in the mid-120s, 61 years old. I don't lift weights in any routine organized way, but I have a fair amount of muscle (especially for someone my age, I think). I don't know why it's that high (I'm sedentary outside of intentional exercise) - just lucky.
  • annaskiski
    annaskiski Posts: 1,212 Member
    edited April 2017
    I'm guessing everyone not specifically stating that this is their non-exercise # is offering their TDEE number....
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,912 Member
    annaskiski wrote: »
    I'm guessing everyone not specifically stating that this is their non-exercise # is offering their TDEE number....

    Not me. 2000 (approximately) is the number before exercise. TDEE varies by season (I'm an on-water rower in a region with Winter, and my exercise is a little more desultory in Winter.). TDEE in summer is probably 2300ish or higher. Calculators estimate my NEAT around 1500 based on 5'5", 120s, age 61, sedentary. For me, they're wrong . . . a lot wrong.

    Since MFP is a NEAT-based site, I'm a little more skeptical that people are offering their TDEE (though I know that some here prefer to use TDEE, especially in maintenance). I don't think you can infer from the numbers people offer that they're giving the incorrect (i.e., not net-as-MFP-defines-it) number, though they might be.

  • ilex70
    ilex70 Posts: 727 Member
    No idea what my net is as I don't put much faith in activity/calorie burn calculators and so don't use them.

    I'm 46 and 5'6. I maintained within 5 pounds (145-150) on an average of 1700 calories a day for 3 months w/roughly 10K steps a day + 2 hours interval type cardio and 2 hours resistance training.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,140 Member
    I eat between 1850-2000 calories at 131.8# at 5'2". I don't pay attention to "net". I feel it's stupid. I follow TDEE as it's simpler for me. If I didn't exercise I'd be maintaining on 1200 calories.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    My wife is 5'2"-5'3" and will be 42...she fluctuates between 125-135 depending on the time of year...she lifts once per week and is an avid runner...her total (gross) maintenance calories are around 2300...she runs pretty much 5x per week and does a couple of 1/2s annually.
  • CJ_Holmes
    CJ_Holmes Posts: 759 Member
    edited April 2017
    I maintain at 2200-2400 calories total (I don't add/subtract exercise). I do CrossFit 3-4 times/week, bike 3-4 hours/week, run 1-2x week. I'm 5'7" and around 150 lb. I've increased my lean mass over the past two years by about 10 lb with lifting and CrossFit.
  • spiriteagle99
    spiriteagle99 Posts: 3,694 Member
    MFP gave me 1470 for maintenance but I kept losing so I upped that to 1600. I walk and run so usually end up eating 2000 or more gross calories. I've been going over a lot lately, but not gaining, so I think even 1600 is probably too low. Now that I'm not race training, I hope to get a better idea of what I actually need.
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,102 Member
    annaskiski wrote: »
    I'm guessing everyone not specifically stating that this is their non-exercise # is offering their TDEE number....

    Can't speak for anyone else - but I did not specifically state this and when I answered 1710 that is my net number as per MFP's calculations.
    Not my TDEE.

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,241 Member
    Sadly, netting 1500 cal seems to be it.

    Happily, I do a whole lot of exercise so I rarely have to eat that low.
  • _piaffe
    _piaffe Posts: 163 Member
    I am doing a crappy job at maintaining, partly due to ambitious fitness goals that ramp up my appetite.

    5'11, maintaining 154 eating NET between 1400-1600.

    Consuming around 2600 TOTAL a day (TDEE according to fitbit is 2750ish to 2800).
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Sadly, netting 1500 cal seems to be it.

    Happily, I do a whole lot of exercise so I rarely have to eat that low.

    Ditto and I'm terrified of getting sick or taking a rest day. I just can't do 1500 calories! On a lazier day I end up around 2400.

    I do agree that a lot of people here seem to be confused between TDEE and net calories (which is TDEE without exercise).
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,140 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Sadly, netting 1500 cal seems to be it.

    Happily, I do a whole lot of exercise so I rarely have to eat that low.

    Ditto and I'm terrified of getting sick or taking a rest day. I just can't do 1500 calories! On a lazier day I end up around 2400.

    I do agree that a lot of people here seem to be confused between TDEE and net calories (which is TDEE without exercise).

    Since I seem to be one of the "confused" people, my net calories are my BMR which is around 1200.
  • annaskiski
    annaskiski Posts: 1,212 Member
    zyxst wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Sadly, netting 1500 cal seems to be it.

    Happily, I do a whole lot of exercise so I rarely have to eat that low.

    Ditto and I'm terrified of getting sick or taking a rest day. I just can't do 1500 calories! On a lazier day I end up around 2400.

    I do agree that a lot of people here seem to be confused between TDEE and net calories (which is TDEE without exercise).

    Since I seem to be one of the "confused" people, my net calories are my BMR which is around 1200.

    Well, net is not BMR either, but nevermind.....
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,140 Member
    edited April 2017
    annaskiski wrote: »
    zyxst wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Sadly, netting 1500 cal seems to be it.

    Happily, I do a whole lot of exercise so I rarely have to eat that low.

    Ditto and I'm terrified of getting sick or taking a rest day. I just can't do 1500 calories! On a lazier day I end up around 2400.

    I do agree that a lot of people here seem to be confused between TDEE and net calories (which is TDEE without exercise).

    Since I seem to be one of the "confused" people, my net calories are my BMR which is around 1200.

    Well, net is not BMR either, but nevermind.....

    Dude, really? You're going to pick it apart now? I know the difference between net and BMR. Okay, here you go.

    TDEE 1940
    BMR (according to MFP) 1194
    Exercise calories (using ShapeSense calulator) 895


  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member

    zyxst wrote: »
    annaskiski wrote: »
    zyxst wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Sadly, netting 1500 cal seems to be it.

    Happily, I do a whole lot of exercise so I rarely have to eat that low.

    Ditto and I'm terrified of getting sick or taking a rest day. I just can't do 1500 calories! On a lazier day I end up around 2400.

    I do agree that a lot of people here seem to be confused between TDEE and net calories (which is TDEE without exercise).

    Since I seem to be one of the "confused" people, my net calories are my BMR which is around 1200.

    Well, net is not BMR either, but nevermind.....

    Dude, really? You're going to pick it apart now? I know the difference between net and BMR. Okay, here you go.

    TDEE 1940
    BMR (according to MFP) 1194
    Exercise calories (using ShapeSense calulator) 895




    I'm guessing you're not burning as much as you think in exercise... because if your net calories were lower than your BMR, you'd still be losing weight (because science).

    Although I'm a bit confused about what's considered NET calories. I mean, my EXERCISE calories (like, me going to the gym or purposely going for a walk) are maybe 400-700 calories a day, but I try to stay active otherwise too and sometimes burn another 400 from random 5 to 15 minutes walking during the day... would that count as exercise or not? Because some days I don't purposely go to the gym but still burn 2200 calories with my main activity being just walking in my backyard while watching my puppy, for example (14k steps). BMR is around 1350 and if I don't move much all day (maybe 3000 steps), my TDEE will be 1500 on a good day.

  • bbell1985
    bbell1985 Posts: 4,571 Member
    Net for me IS TDEE because I don't do cardio. My strength training falls into my lightly active lifestyle.
  • ocrXfitter
    ocrXfitter Posts: 123 Member
    edited April 2017
    CJ_Holmes wrote: »
    I maintain at 2200-2400 calories total (I don't add/subtract exercise). I do CrossFit 3-4 times/week, bike 3-4 hours/week, run 1-2x week. I'm 5'7" and around 150 lb. I've increased my lean mass over the past two years by about 10 lb with lifting and CrossFit.

    I'm similar...eat about 2200 cals/day to maintain. I run, do Crossfit, and practice yoga.

    ETA I'm 5'6" and 125 lbs