Facebook or nah???



  • SoulRadiation
    SoulRadiation Posts: 1,060 Member
    I deleted my facebook account out of a general and growing security concern.

    This site is almost as bad, in terms of revealed identity/information...but I hope to have a fully engaged yet limited stay...and when I part ways with MFP say my goodbyes and leave contact info for any relevant parties.

    The future of honest, heartfelt online communication is extremely bleak. Enjoy while it lasts. I don't think it will be too many more years before we're forced to retreat from the Internet.

  • chex2017
    chex2017 Posts: 2 Member
    cdbell73 wrote: »
    I've been Facebookless for two years and I feel my life has been more at peace. But lately I've been thinking about making another one. I miss being in contact and being updated with what's going on with my friends. However, I enjoy Facebook not being a pivotal part of my life. My fiancé is happy that I'm considering getting another one but solely to boast about our engagement and the fun things that we do. I haven't had a Facebook since we've been together and she can't wait to be "Facebook official" which is something important to her but I believe it is pointless and illegitimate. (To her it's another engagement... or at least that's how I feel)

    Honestly though I am a little torn. A part of me is saying no but a part of me is missing the connection. What do you guys think, should I get one or no?

    Get a joint fb
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I like FB. I keep touch with some old friends that way. I get to keep up with what happens to them without having to call or text, which is awesome (I'm an introvert, and some of them live a continent away, so yeah. Easier). Love the memes too.

    Of course I do delete people who get to me (or hide them so they never show on my feed) and I won't accept requests from people I know that have views I don't agree with in the first place.

    It's never been a pivotal part of my life though. I don't have a ton of friends on it. I post pictures of my kids (and puppy) for my friends/family to see. Nothing much really. I'm not the person who gloats about how wonderful her life is and I'm more likely to post funny things that happen to me (or stuff I bake, especially when it looks awful). I post a couple times a week maybe?

    Most people I know actually don't use FB much. I think I'd feel pretty isolated if I didn't, personally, but I'm a SAHM with just a couple friends, so...
  • browneyedgirl749
    browneyedgirl749 Posts: 4,984 Member
    I have family all over the country, so I keep my Facebook open to catch up with them. I've also reconnected with friends I met when I was a kid living in Japan on Facebook. And I have some high school friends. I rarely post, mostly just share posts I see from Delish because I want to make the recipe in the near future. The only way to find my page is if you're a friend of a friend. And I don't accept friend requests from people I don't know. My life is all about living healthy so I spend more time of MFP than I do anything else.
  • amyteacake
    amyteacake Posts: 768 Member
    edited April 2017
    I still have Facebook but I mainly use it to keep in touch with some people since I have a few friends that live in America and I like to know what they're up to and if they're doing okay! I don't post too much on it, it's every now and again that I do or I just look at funny posts. I think I'm starting to spend more time on MFP than Facebook these days
  • dpwellman
    dpwellman Posts: 3,271 Member
    Facebook depends on how it's used. For me it's the only way to stay in contact and interact with certain peer groups and artists, entertainers that I enjoy.
  • Just_J_Now
    Just_J_Now Posts: 9,551 Member
    I don't do any social media except MFP and even this can be sort of toxic. I have family all over the place also but the way I see it is this, the people that truly matter know how to get a hold of me if they really wanted to.
  • SomebodyWakeUpHIcks
    SomebodyWakeUpHIcks Posts: 3,836 Member
    For those bashing FB, that's fine but you know you've replaced it with something else... MFP, Snapchat Instagram, Twitter.

    Silcon Valley has gotten into our lower stems. We're done.
  • Lavelle1980
    Lavelle1980 Posts: 367 Member
    I deleted mine for a while, and felt peace. But only recently got on it to keep in touch with family. The down side, is that everyone is posting political crap and complain about everything. I like to feed my mind with positivity and with FB, it surely doesn't help. So I'll prob be deactivating it again. I don't use any other Social media platform besides MFP.
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    Only used for keeping up with family really. I really never even post directly to FB. Everything is a feed from my IG, which is the only truly active social media account I use...because, pictures.
  • klkarlen
    klkarlen Posts: 4,366 Member
    I deleted mine for a while, and felt peace. But only recently got on it to keep in touch with family. The down side, is that everyone is posting political crap and complain about everything. I like to feed my mind with positivity and with FB, it surely doesn't help. So I'll prob be deactivating it again. I don't use any other Social media platform besides MFP.

    I got on to be able to monitor my high school aged kids, stayed on because I have reconnected with long lost friends, or friends that are living far away.

    You can control to an extent what you see - if I have friend that are over-sharers, or go on too many political rants, I stop following them, so their stuff no longer shows in my feed. I also block many pages, use the FB feature to never see anything from certain pages. I do need to do a walkthrough of my friend list and remove some that I don't really know, and don't recall why I added them in the first place. The news feed algorithm is weird as to what it shows anyway.
  • beagletracks
    beagletracks Posts: 6,034 Member
    If it's important to your fiancé, it seems like it's not a big deal to set up an account. You don't have to use it, but the fiancé can list the two of you as engaged and tag you in photos, etc. I would suggest setting up an account and just not checking in much.
  • dbanks80
    dbanks80 Posts: 3,685 Member
    klkarlen wrote: »
    I deleted mine for a while, and felt peace. But only recently got on it to keep in touch with family. The down side, is that everyone is posting political crap and complain about everything. I like to feed my mind with positivity and with FB, it surely doesn't help. So I'll prob be deactivating it again. I don't use any other Social media platform besides MFP.

    I got on to be able to monitor my high school aged kids, stayed on because I have reconnected with long lost friends, or friends that are living far away.

    You can control to an extent what you see - if I have friend that are over-sharers, or go on too many political rants, I stop following them, so their stuff no longer shows in my feed. I also block many pages, use the FB feature to never see anything from certain pages. I do need to do a walkthrough of my friend list and remove some that I don't really know, and don't recall why I added them in the first place. The news feed algorithm is weird as to what it shows anyway.

    I agree. I have people that FR me and I look at our mutual friends and most likely they are from HS. But then I think why am I friends with this person. I dont remember you in HS 30 yrs ago and I dont remember you now! LOL!

  • DeficitDuchess
    DeficitDuchess Posts: 3,099 Member
    edited April 2017
    I am about as, interesting as; watching grass grow & paint dry at, the same; time! So there really isn't a reason for, me to've 1 since; any friends that I've are here!

    I did've 1, though but hardly made use, of it; until January but then, deleted it because I had an invisible friend that, I was unable to; get rid of!

    I tried to, begin another; 1 but there was a problem with, my cellular # being associated with my previous deleted account so; I deleted again!

    I plan to, change my # anyway; though because my Mother keeps giving it, to people instead of; her own #!
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    I dislike a lot of crap and articles and whatnot that show up in my feed...but I do have friends and family flung all over the U.S. and abroad so it's an easy way to keep up on things and communicate...share pictures of our kiddos with each other, etc without sending a 70 person group text or something.