Hi everyone bad day

Today was a bad food day. I did great till tonight and I got stressed out and went for some chips and then a banana and added chocolate syrup and cool whip. Ugh why do I do this to myself


  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    Shake it off and start again from right now. Don't give yourself permission to throw away the rest of the day. Did you log it? I like to log these types of days because it shows me that it doesn't really matter in the long run (once in a while). It also allows me to watch for trends. Have you been eating low cal, low fat, low protein, low fibre, missing vitamins, etc, before today? What may have triggered this? Just something to consider. It helped me a lot to watch for trends.
  • Breeticus87
    Breeticus87 Posts: 114 Member
    It is okay, I have had some bad days recently too. Its just one day friend. I bet even relentless health fanatics have a cheat day once in a while... Difference between us and them is they probably hide it from everyone, which lets be honest, not only does it suck to slip up for a day, but when you dont tell anyone or hide it even from yourself on MFP, it doesn't feel good. Stress factors into our appetite big time. I am not exactly sure why that is, but maybe its something that goes back to being an infant. You know when you got sick, and the doctor gave you a lollipop when you got a shot. Maybe you skinned your knee outside and mom patched you up and gave you a bowl of ice cream to make you feel better. My point is its okay to slip, and to let it out is to let out stress. So dont take this as a failure, in my eyes you tackled the beast by getting it off your chest and being honest with yourself. Tomorrow you get another chance :)