IIFYM people:


I have been trying for 2 weeks to follow iifym(instead of just counting calories like before, I have been keeping macros at 40:40:20 for protein:carbs:fat).

I didn't hve a problem until today; first time I've drank alcohol or eaten out. I don't eat meat except fish so it's really hard to eat out and not way overdo carbs/fat and get enough protein. The fish is always fried =[

Sooo 6 shots and 1 taco bell cheese quesadilla later, my whole day is ruined. I'm only 56 cals over my goal but 96 grams under on protein and 33 grams of fat over. And that's a pretty moderate taco bell trip for me! I wanted a bean burrito also!

I feel like I perfected iifym in a summer vacation bubble where I can cook at home every day but when the semester starts in a month/when social life happens I'll be screwed.


  • crandos
    crandos Posts: 377 Member
    get some humapro 28 protein with only 5 cals.
  • PlayerHatinDogooder
    PlayerHatinDogooder Posts: 1,018 Member
    I only drink about once every two weeks and when I do my macros go out the window.

    Enjoy it sparingly.
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    Go Protein heavy the next day? I just try to make it balance by the end of the week. /shrug
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    One day wont hurt. As far as eating out, you'll just have to make choices that fit your macro & nutritional goals. You'll be fine. Booze will make it harder to it your goals if it's all the time. When I go drinking I typically pack some sort of high protein bar and/or have a protein shake to make sure I hit my goals. If I know in advance I'm going out drinking I'll make sure I hit my nutrient goals with lunch etc...
  • victoriavoodoo
    victoriavoodoo Posts: 343 Member
    One day wont hurt. As far as eating out, you'll just have to make choices that fit your macro & nutritional goals. You'll be fine. Booze will make it harder to it your goals if it's all the time. When I go drinking I typically pack some sort of high protein bar and/or have a protein shake to make sure I hit my goals. If I know in advance I'm going out drinking I'll make sure I hit my nutrient goals with lunch etc...

    I mean it's not all the time, since it took me two weeks to hit this obstacle, but it's not going away completely I'm 21 and haven't gotten to enjoy it in public for very long! Maybe I'll put my chocolate protein powder in a mudslide next time.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    If you're in college and you're only 21, you probably won't be drinking too much too often.

    I mean during the week be good and do extra protein.

    maybe that will give u a little buffer for the weekends to party a little.

    look at it over a weeks time like an average. maybe that will work.

    you shouldn't be overdoing it on the weekend anyway. (sorry I can't resist the motherly urges as my kids going soon, and I can't shake the feeling I'm talking to someone's daughter right now.)

    but yeah moderation in the alchohol, and also spread out some extra protein during the week and you should hit your weekly goals.
  • Janice2Shakira
    On my second wine bottle <3
  • grimendale
    grimendale Posts: 2,154 Member
    I only drink about once every two weeks and when I do my macros go out the window.

    Enjoy it sparingly.
    This. I make sure to hit my minimum targets for protein and fat, but the goals go out the window after that. I usually don't even log the alcohol. I only throw down like this a few times a year, so it's not really a problem.
  • mittencat77
    mittencat77 Posts: 137 Member
    so macro percents should be 40 40 20?

    Just want to clarify. I am learning. MFP puts my fat at 30% and I am over that at times. I have been thing it is my primary problem. So excited to start tracking my macros!
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,835 Member
    I am an IFer so I get to save the majority of cals for when I want them
    I have a LARGE protein meal with veggies first
    I drink vodka, lime & soda 99% of the time (also helps to prevent hangovers)
    I am always very active (tearing up the D floor :tongue:)
    And I don't do it that often
  • mittencat77
    mittencat77 Posts: 137 Member
    so macro percents should be 40 40 20?

    Just want to clarify. I am learning. MFP puts my fat at 30% and I am over that at times. I have been thing it is my primary problem. So excited to start tracking my macros!

    Meant to say thinking :)
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,835 Member
    so macro percents should be 40 40 20?

    Just want to clarify. I am learning. MFP puts my fat at 30% and I am over that at times. I have been thing it is my primary problem. So excited to start tracking my macros!

  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    bourbon helps with DOMS, just sayin
  • mittencat77
    mittencat77 Posts: 137 Member
    so macro percents should be 40 40 20?

    Just want to clarify. I am learning. MFP puts my fat at 30% and I am over that at times. I have been thing it is my primary problem. So excited to start tracking my macros!


    Thank you!!!! I am so pleased to have a formula that doesn't require me to know my LBM...because I don't know it. I really can't thank you enough.
  • LongIsland27itl
    LongIsland27itl Posts: 365 Member
    Weekly averages > than daily avgs
    But honestly, don't drink and struggle to make a diet work
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,835 Member
    bourbon helps with DOMS, just sayin

    don't believe you! :tongue:

    I have tested in the past. A big night out really does increase DOMS for me. I'd put it down to lack of hydration and the fact that alcohol is a toxin and will be metabolised first mainly.
  • laurynwithawhy
    laurynwithawhy Posts: 385 Member
    Not currently tracking, but in the past I have been able to make as many as 5 mixed drinks fit my macros. Craftiness and planning are important. Always plan protein first. I also only eat fish, so I feel your pain. Often I will ask for just the protein, no buns or sides unless it's veggies. Even at taco bell you can ask for just a side of beans. Try eating at home/apt/dorm as much as possible. Lots of eggs/egg whites, protein shakes are really fast and can be eaten on the go. If you know your friends are gonna want to go out, eat at least your protein ahead of time, then get veggies or salad out. As delicious as heavy beers are, they are hell on macros. Opt for light beers or plain liquor (vodka, rum) and no calorie mixers like club soda. You can definitely drink and make it fit your macros, you just have to work at it. I lost 20 pounds in college drinking like a fish. Good luck.