Sugar rec on MFP

24 grams? REALLY? I mean, jeez, if I eat a banana I'm already more than halfway over my allotted amount.

Is it just me or does anyone else find that completely absurd? How many grams of sugar do you believe is adequate?


  • grimendale
    grimendale Posts: 2,153 Member
    The sugar recommendation on MFPis based on published recommendations for added sugar, not natural sugar. There are currently no national guidelines on natural sugar. MFP does not distinguish between natural and added sugar in the diaries, however, so it is extremely easy to go over if you eat the fruit you should. Unless you have a medical need to track sugar, most people remove it from the tracker since it provides no relevant information.
  • slsattler
    slsattler Posts: 2
    I was just coming here for some sugar info. I just started MFP, and I am way over with my sugars every day.
    I'll be watching for info and advice.
  • laurynwithawhy
    laurynwithawhy Posts: 385 Member
    I treat the sugar allotment like a speed limit sign. Just a suggestion unless someone is watching.

    I do wish there was a way to separate fruit sugar from corn syrup. I just chose not to track sugar, and I am mindful of my food choices when it comes to sweets.