Back and forth!

Sloonsfoot3 Posts: 18 Member
edited April 2017 in Health and Weight Loss
Iv been dealing with my weight for a very long time!
I lost almost 20 lbs in 2015 due to some diet pills. That of course backfired on me once I got married and moved. I stopped taking the meds. (Not something i want to take again) 198-166lbs. (Those were the days!)

I have hypothyroidism. I started at 228.. (according to my doctors scale) now im at 218. Now my weight keeps bouncing from 216-218 just back and forth. I started back at the gym 3 weeks ago tried to eat as healthy as I can but I just cant move from that number. I take meds for my thyroid. Synthroid i believe its called but generic. I also attend classes that talks about what calories and the other stuff is but it feels like my mind just blanks out.

Does anyone have any tips on getting that scale to move? Maybe I need a adjustment in my meds.


  • need2belean
    need2belean Posts: 358 Member
    Open up your diary to the public. You may just be eating more calories than your think so you're maintaining instead of losing.
  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    How many calories do you eat each day? Do you track all you eat, every day, using a food scale for accuracy of solids?

    That is the key to weight loss.

    Your body uses calories all the time. You burn energy just to stay alive, and to move thru your day, and for exercise. So taking in less than you expend creates a deficit and forces your body to use its reserves. Assuming your thyroid is under control, and based on your stated weight, eating 1500-1750 calories per day should allow you gradual weight loss over time. Accurately and honestly tracking it, and having patience, is the process.