New to the whole fitness thing...desperately need advice!

Hey, my name is Jimmy and I'm 20 years old, 6'4", and around 225 lbs. I live in Cincinnati, OH. My 21st birthday is coming up in October and I'm hoping to lose at least 25 lbs. before my birthday. I've never really needed exercise in the past, I was always thin but when high school hit, I started packing on the pounds and now I'm trying to get fit and healthier. I'm totally lost when it comes to dieting and working out. I've gone on the Internet numerous times to learn how to lose weight and put on muscle mass quickly, but it would be nice to have an actual person to talk to and get advice from. I'm very dedicated to losing this weight and losing it the right way. If anyone out there reads this and has a few pointers for me, I'd be forever grateful!


  • grimendale
    grimendale Posts: 2,153 Member
    It is extremely difficult to cut fat and built muscle simultaneously. I don't recommend trying it. If the weight is the bigger issue, focus on that for now. Eat at a deficit and worry about building muscle later. You can go ahead and start lifting, but don't expect to see major muscle growth or strength gains beyond the normal newbie gains. Don't try to do this quickly. It often isn't quick if done correctly. There is a lot of good information on nutrition and lifting in the below link. Start there.