Startling to dread going out for meals

Hi everyone, how do you tackle going out for meals on a regular basis? My family like to go out at least once a week and I am starting to get worried about going out for meals to often where I don't know the exact calories. We normally go to a pub for lunch on a Sunday so I can't really suggest we go anywhere else as it's like a tradition. Any tips or advice? Is it going to hinder my weight loss to eat out so much?


  • nicholerohrer
    nicholerohrer Posts: 40 Member
    most places will be pretty accommodating if you ask for grilled chicken and a side of rice (or another carb) and/or veggies.
  • BoxerBrawler
    BoxerBrawler Posts: 2,032 Member
    My husband and I go out for dinner every Friday night. Pretty much any restaurant you go to these days are more than happy to make substitutions and most of the entrees either have the calories/nutritional information on-line or on MFP. If you've been weighing and measuring your food for a while you should be able to eye-ball the portion size. You could save up some calories over the week in anticipation of an overage or you could give yourself a treat-meal like I do. The only thing I really treat myself with is carbs and dessert. I always opt for a healthier version of whatever is on the menu. I also don't drink so...
  • 3rdof7sisters
    3rdof7sisters Posts: 486 Member
    What kinds of foods do they serve? Anything grilled would be a good choice with a salad with dressing on the side. Just try to pay attention to portion sizes. I often eat half and bring half home for lunch the next day.
    Any chance they have an online menu so you can choose ahead of time and budget for the calories?
  • Heather4448
    Heather4448 Posts: 908 Member
    Try pre-logging on Sunday's. Fit it in to your plan and enjoy the time with your family.
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,345 Member
    Don't dread it, plan for it! pick as wise a choice as possible, skip starter, share a dessert perhaps... it wont be too bad really! Eat 100 cals a day less during the week and that will help that one day of eating out and keep you having an overall deficit.
  • TimothyFish
    TimothyFish Posts: 4,925 Member
    The simple solution is to just cut everything they bring you in half (or thirds) keep one and send the rest back to the kitchen. If more people would do that, restaurants would start providing smaller portion sizes.

    Or you can do what I do. When I go out to eat, I ride my bicycle. I live some distance from the good eating places, so most of the time I've burned off everything I ate and then some by the time I get home.
  • cbl40
    cbl40 Posts: 281 Member
    It causes me anxiety too. I plan on one night out per week, and use saved up calories for it. Regardless, after eating out, it always takes me all week to drop the salt weight.
  • sheermomentum
    sheermomentum Posts: 827 Member
    I understand its tradition, but I don't see why you can't at least ask the others if they'd mind trying someplace new. Perhaps they'd like it too. Other than than, I'd say don't be afraid to "deconstruct" a sandwich and eat oly what's inside, eat a light breakfast (or none if you can do that comfortably), and make your best guess at the weights of what you do eat.

    If its only once a week then it shouldn't make too much a of dent in your goals.

  • RachelElser
    RachelElser Posts: 1,049 Member
    Ask the pub owners of they know how many calories are in a dish- not at the table when ordering but call sometime during the week. In the US restaurants have to provide this information.

    weight watchers suggests asking for a to go box at the beginning and cut your food in half, and put half right in the box. On the plus side, that means you don't touch that food so if you don't want to eat it later you can ask anyone at the table if they want to take it home with them.
  • Running_and_Coffee
    Running_and_Coffee Posts: 811 Member
    I have to eat out a lot because I travel for my job. My go-to is a salad with grilled chicken or grilled shrimp and a balsalmic on the side. I ask them to put any nuts or cheeses or avocado on the side, too, and use a soup spoon to dole out one spoonful of each of those. (Track as 1.5 tbsp.) The protein is filling, you're avoiding any opportunity for unknowns (like butter that's on a burger bun) and the fats in the nuts/avocado are also satisfying and your spoon allows you to limit how much of those you have.
  • fitmom4lifemfp
    fitmom4lifemfp Posts: 1,575 Member
    Hi everyone, how do you tackle going out for meals on a regular basis? My family like to go out at least once a week and I am starting to get worried about going out for meals to often where I don't know the exact calories. We normally go to a pub for lunch on a Sunday so I can't really suggest we go anywhere else as it's like a tradition. Any tips or advice? Is it going to hinder my weight loss to eat out so much?

    I don't. Honestly that is part of the reason I gained this 15 pounds I am now working on losing. I rarely ever ate out before I met my BF. It's too expensive, and I just don't normally eat enough to justify the expense. We don't live together (thank God :p ) but he loves going out for breakfast for pancakes and bacon, and eating big fat burgers at the local beach spot...and I was going right along with him. Now, going out with my family for special occasions is fine, but every weekend eating out 2 or 3 times? No. I'm not great at ordering a meal (especially breakfast!) and leaving 2/3 of it on the plate, so for me, and if I go and don't order anything, he sulks. :/ I know...exasperating. The best method, for me, is to simply not eat out.

    I sat his butt down back in Feb (when I started) and told him that he had 2 choices - if he wanted to go out to eat, he has to be okay with me eating at home, and then not ordering at the restaurant, or we both eat at home. He said okay...and though I don't think he is happy being the only one ordering, that's what we have done a few times. I'll have yogurt or a protein bar or whatever, and home, and then we go out. I just have coffee.

    I know a lot of people here will disagree with how I handle this, but this is what works for ME. I have been successful (mostly) at keeping weight off for nearly 15 years, and cutting out restaurant eating is a big part of that success, (never mind the money I save!). I intend to stick with it.
  • Daddy78230
    Daddy78230 Posts: 125 Member
    In social situations where I know I won't have much control over the food or venue, I'll eat my full days protein allotment soon before the event, minimizing carbs and fat. I usually have chicken breasts.

    You'll most likely be full from all the protein, you will be less likely to over eat and still be able to snack or enjoy a beer or 5. :p
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,372 Member
    I hear you OP. I just refuse to eat out now unless I'm craving something specific that I can't easily make at home. Spending sometimes $20 for grilled chicken and veggies just rubs me the wrong way, when a burger and fries is $8... and even then, veggies are swimming in oil or butter.

    What's the menu like though? I know a pub here that has a nice ahi tuna salad that can't be more than 400 calories, for example (just ask for dressing on the side).

    Or yeah, eat less during the week so you have calories to spare (which I wouldn't do unless you really like the food). The good thing for me though is that if I eat more at lunch, I'm less hungry later, so it's actually easier to fit to my calories that way than if I eat out for dinner.