Exercising Twice A Day????

Sooooo...I am starting to get into this now. Have a gym membership....and I am actually starting to LIKE and ENJOY exercising . I hope I get addicted and never stop! I was not like this before folks. I was a couch potato for sure. A diet cokedrinking, sugar-eating,sitting on the sofa.....couch potato!

Well now I WANT to exercise twice a day, I only work part-time right now so my schedule allows for this. I want to go for a light jog in the morning first thing in the morning, and then go work out at the gym for another hour or hour and a half at night time right before bed (resistance training).

Is this too much? I don't know what is happening to me. Is this really me talking? I love the way exercising makes me feel all of a sudden after years of being inactive.

Can I exercise twice and be good and healthy?


  • ghostrider1970
    ghostrider1970 Posts: 127 Member
    You can try and see if you recover quick enough. I'm doing cardio in the AM and swimming plus weight training in the PM and I'm still alive and healthy.
    The important thing is to rest, eat enough and listen to your body.
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
  • aquarabbit
    aquarabbit Posts: 1,622 Member
    Whatever makes you happy is what I would say. A lot of people like to do cardio in the mornings and strength at night. If you schedule allows it and you want to, try it. It is a lot if you're going from nothing to 2 times a day, so just make sure that you don't burn out too quickly. If you can only go once or even miss a day, don't let that discourage you. I "workout" twice a day. Although I use that term loosely. I do Body Revolutions in the mornings, which I love. And then at night my husband (who is trying to bulk up with weights) and I do bedtime yoga session to really stretch out our sore muscles and relax before bed. The yoga is the one that I don't count on MFP. It's been good so far. Just pace yourself. You don't want to be at the end of the week and can barely lift a glass of water!
  • iwantwow
    iwantwow Posts: 152 Member
    i think if u will do this much exercise everyday ,...ur body is going to adapt ..and when in future if u need to increase ur intensity what would u add then...take it slow so that u can increase it when ur body demands...all the best.
  • Legs_McGee
    Legs_McGee Posts: 845 Member
    I often exercise twice a day: I'm at the gym before work and run at lunch.
  • __Di__
    __Di__ Posts: 1,632 Member
    Sooooo...I am starting to get into this now. Have a gym membership....and I am actually starting to LIKE and ENJOY exercising . I hope I get addicted and never stop! I was not like this before folks. I was a couch potato for sure. A diet cokedrinking, sugar-eating,sitting on the sofa.....couch potato!

    Well now I WANT to exercise twice a day, I only work part-time right now so my schedule allows for this. I want to go for a light jog in the morning first thing in the morning, and then go work out at the gym for another hour or hour and a half at night time right before bed (resistance training).

    Is this too much? I don't know what is happening to me. Is this really me talking? I love the way exercising makes me feel all of a sudden after years of being inactive.

    Can I exercise twice and be good and healthy?

    It might pay you to gradually build up to training twice per day, rather than dive right in from the beginning with that training regime.

    Ensure you have restdays too, no recovery has often resulted in overtraining.
  • ShadeyC
    ShadeyC Posts: 315 Member
    Absolutely fine. In fact, it helps keep your metabolism up and your body "aware" so to speak :) Go for it!
  • LongIsland27itl
    LongIsland27itl Posts: 365 Member
    Recipe for disaster for a newb. You'll prob burn out. You'd be much better off doing 6-7 days a week at 45mins a day instead of 2x a day. But hey, if you're up for it, and not forcing it, then no harm done. Your body will tell you if it's not working out. You may get extremely hungry from working or so much and wind up over-eating.
  • Sierra_christine89
    Sierra_christine89 Posts: 156 Member
    I've done it for a few years and I'm fine. I always go for a jog/run in the afternoons (I never log it because its not really my workout), and then later at night I get another great workout in before bed! (I log that one because sometimes I do it, sometimes I don't) I don't know why I do that..? Its weird..
    But I think you'll be fine. Just don't go crazy, and burn yourself out if you're just starting out. I've gradually added intensity to my workouts over the two years.
    I agree on wanting to workout twice a day! Its my time to focus on myself, and forget about others! :) You go girl!!
    Best of luck, and glad to hear you're no longer a couch potato! :D
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    Perhaps it would be best to go for two types of exercise.... In this case, aerobic in the morning (morning run) and strength/flexibility in the afternoon. Nothing wrong with staying active though.
  • Dunkirk
    Dunkirk Posts: 465 Member
    Exercising close to your bed time may 'rev you up' and affect your ability to drop off to sleep
  • mccbabe1
    mccbabe1 Posts: 737 Member
    Sooooo...I am starting to get into this now. Have a gym membership....and I am actually starting to LIKE and ENJOY exercising . I hope I get addicted and never stop! I was not like this before folks. I was a couch potato for sure. A diet cokedrinking, sugar-eating,sitting on the sofa.....couch potato!

    Well now I WANT to exercise twice a day, I only work part-time right now so my schedule allows for this. I want to go for a light jog in the morning first thing in the morning, and then go work out at the gym for another hour or hour and a half at night time right before bed (resistance training).

    Is this too much? I don't know what is happening to me. Is this really me talking? I love the way exercising makes me feel all of a sudden after years of being inactive.

    Can I exercise twice and be good and healthy?

    sounds good to me! when i first started on here.. I went for a half hr or longer walk in a.m. short walk on my lunch break and a looooooooooooooong after work walk OR gym class!!!! and now I still work out (walk or gym) once a day! its fine.. great.. yeah exercising is like my "DRUG"... its addicting! its a God given natural antidepressant !!! seriously... it effects my mood when I dont workout!!! i crave squats now! lol... dont stress it lady.. go for it.. awesum turn around from diet soda (yuck) couch potatoe...:drinker:
  • lovelaughrun
    lovelaughrun Posts: 45 Member
    I exercise twice a day (about 3 times a week) and the other 2 just one run per day and some strength training.... now that I've lost weight I run a lot and LOVE it. I stick to 1200 calories a day but eat back because with big exercise days your body needs the fuel.
    Also after a month on MFP I found out I had little to no iron in my body (apparently quite common with runners/people that exercise a fair bit) so just listen to your body if it's tired or struggling. I was getting tired and grumpy and I thought it was the calorie deficit so please be aware if something doesn't feel right. Enjoy the exercise, it is addictive! :tongue:
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    as long as you are eating enough and resting enough also, yes.

    If you are new to exercise I would ease into it and also don't forget to include rest days.
  • tnsumner
    tnsumner Posts: 283 Member
    I do exactly what you're wanting to do. I work 3rd shift. On my 30 minute break, I go running and then immediately have a protein shake afterwards. At night (which is when I get up around 4:30pm), I go to the gym for an hour class (usually INSANITY or cardio kickboxing). Then I have dinner once I get home.

    It's not that bad. Your body will adjust. Your legs might hurt when you first begin this.