For Those Who Still Think It's About Sugar...



  • Rebecca0224
    Rebecca0224 Posts: 810 Member
    I'm in a support group for weight loss on another site, and someone recommended a movie called "That sugar film". Complete fear mongering about sugar, and contradicts itself throughout. This is the exact kind of study I'd like to put up because so many really believe eating sugar, even if you don't change your calories will make you fat. They just have no concept.

    Unfortunately, they would probably just dismiss this as industry funded research (as you noted above). People really want weight loss to be more complicated than it is.

    If something is complicated then they have a great excuse to quit or not do it at all. I use to think weight loss was hard and complicated, I had to figure out what foods to eat, what foods to avoid, what time I could eat, it was complicated and I quit because it was hard. After I realized it wasn't hard quitting was my fault and I couldn't blame it on complicated weight loss anymore.
  • Hiker_Rob
    Hiker_Rob Posts: 5,547 Member
    J72FIT wrote: »
    Hiker_Rob wrote: »
    There is a study to prove and support everyone's point of view, most only base their study on proving one specific point about one specific thing rather than the big picture. Tobacco companies still say tobacco does not cause cancer and have their studies to prove it lol. What ever you want to believe there will be a study for to support you.

    The point of a post stating "For Those Who Still Think It's About Sugar..." is just to incite people to argue, which is what will happen. I do not believe the op (or many other people) would set out to maintain a solid diet of high sugar foods and believe it's healthy as long as he keeps it under his caloric allotment.

    Why not just talk about the study rather then assuming why I posted it?

    Because it just a vicious circle of opinions and studies, everyone proving their argument, blah blah blah, plus I have to go eat my reece's peanut butter cups for breakfast.
  • Hiker_Rob
    Hiker_Rob Posts: 5,547 Member
    Hiker_Rob wrote: »
    J72FIT wrote: »
    Hiker_Rob wrote: »
    There is a study to prove and support everyone's point of view, most only base their study on proving one specific point about one specific thing rather than the big picture. Tobacco companies still say tobacco does not cause cancer and have their studies to prove it lol. What ever you want to believe there will be a study for to support you.

    The point of a post stating "For Those Who Still Think It's About Sugar..." is just to incite people to argue, which is what will happen. I do not believe the op (or many other people) would set out to maintain a solid diet of high sugar foods and believe it's healthy as long as he keeps it under his caloric allotment.

    Why not just talk about the study rather then assuming why I posted it?

    Because it just a vicious circle of opinions and studies, everyone proving their argument, blah blah blah, plus I have to go eat my reece's peanut butter cups for breakfast.
    Hiker_Rob wrote: »
    J72FIT wrote: »
    Hiker_Rob wrote: »
    There is a study to prove and support everyone's point of view, most only base their study on proving one specific point about one specific thing rather than the big picture. Tobacco companies still say tobacco does not cause cancer and have their studies to prove it lol. What ever you want to believe there will be a study for to support you.

    The point of a post stating "For Those Who Still Think It's About Sugar..." is just to incite people to argue, which is what will happen. I do not believe the op (or many other people) would set out to maintain a solid diet of high sugar foods and believe it's healthy as long as he keeps it under his caloric allotment.

    Why not just talk about the study rather then assuming why I posted it?

    Because it just a vicious circle of opinions and studies, everyone proving their argument, blah blah blah, plus I have to go eat my reece's peanut butter cups for breakfast.

    I think conversations only turn into vicious cycles when people make assumptions about other people instead of reading what they've written, respond to that specifically, and ask questions about what they don't understand.

    So if you aren't interested in discussing OP's post and instead want to talk about OP, I don't think OP is the one looking for an argument here.

    Point taken. However cant part of discussion be the reason behind a post? To post one study and say 'have at 'er' is designed to be an argument in it's design. I'm not arguing, i am merely starting that everyone will have their opinions. When the op asked why, I stated why.
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    Hiker_Rob wrote: »
    Hiker_Rob wrote: »
    J72FIT wrote: »
    Hiker_Rob wrote: »
    There is a study to prove and support everyone's point of view, most only base their study on proving one specific point about one specific thing rather than the big picture. Tobacco companies still say tobacco does not cause cancer and have their studies to prove it lol. What ever you want to believe there will be a study for to support you.

    The point of a post stating "For Those Who Still Think It's About Sugar..." is just to incite people to argue, which is what will happen. I do not believe the op (or many other people) would set out to maintain a solid diet of high sugar foods and believe it's healthy as long as he keeps it under his caloric allotment.

    Why not just talk about the study rather then assuming why I posted it?

    Because it just a vicious circle of opinions and studies, everyone proving their argument, blah blah blah, plus I have to go eat my reece's peanut butter cups for breakfast.
    Hiker_Rob wrote: »
    J72FIT wrote: »
    Hiker_Rob wrote: »
    There is a study to prove and support everyone's point of view, most only base their study on proving one specific point about one specific thing rather than the big picture. Tobacco companies still say tobacco does not cause cancer and have their studies to prove it lol. What ever you want to believe there will be a study for to support you.

    The point of a post stating "For Those Who Still Think It's About Sugar..." is just to incite people to argue, which is what will happen. I do not believe the op (or many other people) would set out to maintain a solid diet of high sugar foods and believe it's healthy as long as he keeps it under his caloric allotment.

    Why not just talk about the study rather then assuming why I posted it?

    Because it just a vicious circle of opinions and studies, everyone proving their argument, blah blah blah, plus I have to go eat my reece's peanut butter cups for breakfast.

    I think conversations only turn into vicious cycles when people make assumptions about other people instead of reading what they've written, respond to that specifically, and ask questions about what they don't understand.

    So if you aren't interested in discussing OP's post and instead want to talk about OP, I don't think OP is the one looking for an argument here.

    Point taken. However cant part of discussion be the reason behind a post? To post one study and say 'have at 'er' is designed to be an argument in it's design. I'm not arguing, i am merely starting that everyone will have their opinions. When the op asked why, I stated why.

    I think it's potentially an invitation to *debate,* which I don't see as a negative thing. Attributing negative motivation to someone who has posted a study seems like a reach to me, although I'm sure my personal perceptions of OP as a generally civil and thoughtful poster are playing into that.

    Everyone can have an opinion, not everyone has factual information to back up their opinions. I don't agree that there is a reputable study to support any POV.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    menotyou56 wrote: »
    Could I lose weight on a diet of donuts, Coke's, M&M's and Reese's PBC's? Yes I could if I stayed under my calorie limit daily.


    Is that high sugar diet healthy????

    Because that's what the study is talking about...

  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,404 MFP Moderator
    edited April 2017
    Hiker_Rob wrote: »
    There is a study to prove and support everyone's point of view, most only base their study on proving one specific point about one specific thing rather than the big picture. Tobacco companies still say tobacco does not cause cancer and have their studies to prove it lol. What ever you want to believe there will be a study for to support you.

    The point of a post stating "For Those Who Still Think It's About Sugar..." is just to incite people to argue, which is what will happen. I do not believe the op (or many other people) would set out to maintain a solid diet of high sugar foods and believe it's healthy as long as he keeps it under his caloric allotment.

    This is why you have to look at the hierarchical approach when it comes to studies... RCT being at the top, and meta-analyses drawing from multiple studies.. Single studies have their limitations, but that is why it's important to understand what they studies actually say. Below is a good pictural from Dr. Brad Schoenfeld


    ETA: Not a really shocking result for the study.
  • Sunna_W
    Sunna_W Posts: 744 Member
    Personally, I just feel better and less hungry if I don't ingest a lot of sugar; so, I don't. Other people can eat it and roll around in it and it's not a problem. I am not one of those people.
  • Hiker_Rob
    Hiker_Rob Posts: 5,547 Member
    edited April 2017
    J72FIT wrote: »
    Hiker_Rob wrote: »
    J72FIT wrote: »
    Hiker_Rob wrote: »
    There is a study to prove and support everyone's point of view, most only base their study on proving one specific point about one specific thing rather than the big picture. Tobacco companies still say tobacco does not cause cancer and have their studies to prove it lol. What ever you want to believe there will be a study for to support you.

    The point of a post stating "For Those Who Still Think It's About Sugar..." is just to incite people to argue, which is what will happen. I do not believe the op (or many other people) would set out to maintain a solid diet of high sugar foods and believe it's healthy as long as he keeps it under his caloric allotment.

    Why not just talk about the study rather then assuming why I posted it?

    Because it just a vicious circle of opinions and studies, everyone proving their argument, blah blah blah, plus I have to go eat my reece's peanut butter cups for breakfast.

    I certainly can't control how you view it. Enjoy your breakfast.

    The last part of my last comment was sarcastic and my apologies, that's not me, well it is me, but not normally in public forums.

    As the op, what are your thoughts on the study? You are obviously a fit, ripped guy (just kudo's, no sarcasm) and presumably eat well, just curious, what is your opinion?
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    Hiker_Rob wrote: »
    There is a study to prove and support everyone's point of view, most only base their study on proving one specific point about one specific thing rather than the big picture.

    Typically studies work by testing one specific thing. That's not a bad thing.
    The point of a post stating "For Those Who Still Think It's About Sugar..." is just to incite people to argue, which is what will happen.

    Only if you, for some reason, find it argumentative. I'm not sure why you would.
    I do not believe the op (or many other people) would set out to maintain a solid diet of high sugar foods and believe it's healthy as long as he keeps it under his caloric allotment.

    I am sure he would not. Not sure what that has to do with the original post.

    However -- and directly related to the original post -- he also would not say that a diet is fine and can't make you fat so long as it is low sugar, regardless of the calories.

    There are numerous posts on MFP where people think their diet will prevent weight loss or is a problem just because they are over sugar on one day or even over sugar because they eat lots of fruit (but also plenty of protein and healthy fats and vegetables). Correcting that kind of thing and understanding how weight loss works is worthwhile.

    Not sure why you suggest (in your other post) that this means that someone is recommending candy for breakfast. I don't think sugar will make me fat if I stay within my calories, but I eat a healthful diet with balanced meals, not all candy. Do you really think that if we are honest and admit sugar doesn't preclude weight loss that people will eat bizarrely unhealthy diets or ignore things like nutrition and satiety? IMO, if they would do that, they would have done that anyway.