It's been a little over a week

28thBaam Posts: 125 Member
Hello friends and soon to be friends, I'm Daniel and I've been active for just over a week now. Here's a bit about my journey. I'm 29 and 5'6" so every bit of weight over 180 I wear on my face and gut. This has become an issue for me especially since now I've caused some health issues to arise. For some time I was in the unhealthy 220 for my height so I was trying to eat better but that didn't help because I really didn't stick to what I needed too. Lost 20lbs changing what I ate which now thinking about it was actually horrible eating. When I started here I was stuck at 195lbs and after my first weight in I'm at 186lbs. Tracking what you eat has definitely helped me even more than I thought and I'm slowly but surely feeling healthier and the side effects are well I'm definitely look better. Thanks to everyone that keeps motivating me! Keep it up you fantastic people!