Im glad my gym isnt close?

I dont post on here very often, but i wanted to relay something to the community that may help some out. I dont kniw about you, but i think that the elliptical, the treadmill, bike, stairmaster machines are the most boring things on the planet. They arent as boring as the DMV, but it is definately on the same list. Whenever i get on these machines its usually 20 minutes and im done... amd seeing as how I have another 50 pounds or so to lose, that doesnt workout to well (no pun intended). I live almost 4 miles from my gym, and i have come up with a plan that seems to be working. I walk/jog to the gym, do my weight lifting routine, amd walk/jog back. Of coarse, i love to listen to music while i make my trek, so I devised a pretty good plan. When a song starts, i will jog for 30 seconds amd then walk until the next song starts. That way, i dont over exert myself, I keep my body guessing through heart rate fluxuations, and i can track my progress by attempting to add a couple more seconds of jogging per song. I will repost this topic when i hit my goal weight. I have been on a plateau for far to long, amd this plan, plus staying well within my calories seems to be helping me. Hope that helps.
