Looking for Suppliment/Protein Advise and Recomendations!

Hello MFP community! I need your help.

I'm still very new in my fitness journey. I've lost 20 lbs so far but still have around 65lbs to go. I've started going to the gym regularly and have gotten some mixed signals on ways I can make the most of my workouts, as well as boost my energy levels and balance my macros.

I Have some friends who swear by this "Thrive" product and are trying to get me on board. I know it's been pinned as a "weight loss drug" and that's not what Im looking for. I'm trying to get healthy naturally by eating clean and excercising, however, it got me thinking about the benefits something like that could have.

So I ask:

Has anyone tried "Thrive" or similar products for energy and fitness and not just weight loss? Is it worth the money? Do/did you ever feel dependent on it to feel good?

Should I just be looking at adding protein powder/shakes or pre/post workout mixes to my diet? If so what are your recommendations?

Thank you for any and all openions and recommendations! :)


  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,401 MFP Moderator
    edited April 2017
    If your friend's are selling it, in generally, it's going to be inferior in terms of quality and significantly overpriced. Products that give you energy are largely just caffeine..maybe a little beta alanine and a few other products, most of which are not really effective. If anything, drink coffee or a diet soda or iced tea. Or you can even just get caffeine in pill form.

    In terms of protein, there are a lot of quality products out there that I wouldn't even go near a MLM protein. From my experience, most MLM's use soy and plant proteins which aren't as effective as similar protein synthesis at a good whey, casein or egg due to the lack of leucine. Now if you don't care about that and only care about filling you up, I'd still just stick with a basic whey but that is only if you struggle to meat protein requirements.

    I'd also recommend that your focus should be based on the below:


    If you are struggling with fitness or energy, plenty of other things should be evaluated prior to choosing a supplement.