Back to it...

hi all!!! I'm back on my healthy lifestyle after a couple years of too much cheating... hoping for great results again...I was so proud of myself and let it somewhat slip away. Anyone else have this happen? How did you overcome your disappointment?? Would love to share thoughts and experiences with those in a similar position...


  • JLanziPhTech
    JLanziPhTech Posts: 7 Member
    I know how you feel. Things happen in our lives we just need to rearrange our priorities! So don't think of it as a disappointment, look at is as though you just had to change your priorities. I used to go to the gym everyday, to work on weight loss that I need. Faithfully I was going and sticking to my diet, but then things changed, took a break for couple years and now.... I am ready to get back in gear. I gained some weight back, but definitely haven't gone too far back. Feel free to add me as a buddy if you like. We can get our priorities back in gear together! Good luck!
  • xxtonixx87
    xxtonixx87 Posts: 56 Member
    Hi add me if you'd like ☺️
  • work_on_it
    work_on_it Posts: 251 Member
    I did. I've put on about 30 of the 50 I lost just last year. Just in time for pool season... uuuugh. Let's do this!