Server Log on problems

Anyone having problems with synching information to their account? I am having problem with iphone 7 and it will not connect to server. My computer allows me to log in but the myhome page is not giving me calorie information. I never had this problem until this morning. Thoughts?


  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    servers are down
  • NormanKittle
    NormanKittle Posts: 4 Member
    must be down because Im having trouble as well
  • RobJVM
    RobJVM Posts: 25 Member
    Same. Glad it's not just me. Will have to wait it out I guess. Been down for a few hours at least.
  • cityruss
    cityruss Posts: 2,493 Member

    I've just reinstalled the app on android and am now unable to log in...

    "Login failed... We were unable to connect to the server to log you in"

  • menotyou56
    menotyou56 Posts: 178 Member
    edited April 2017
    Yes I couldn't get the page to load with the daily cals bar on it.
  • RobJVM
    RobJVM Posts: 25 Member
    I am able to log back in but the app no longer shows my progress. It's totally wiped like I'm starting over. The website still has all my info but I can't get it back down to the app atm. :(
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    They're still working on things...
  • hlblakeley
    hlblakeley Posts: 55 Member
    Back up completely for me.
  • chief3202
    chief3202 Posts: 41 Member
    Lost all my data
  • chief3202
    chief3202 Posts: 41 Member
    Data missing from my iPhone app. Anyone else
  • inertiastrength
    inertiastrength Posts: 2,343 Member
    chief3202 wrote: »
    Data missing from my iPhone app. Anyone else

    I thought it was but it seems to be back now. I would have cried

  • scottste1
    scottste1 Posts: 1 Member
    I am now having this problem with my iPhone app
  • Aermorgen
    Aermorgen Posts: 10 Member
    There's a yellow box at the top of all of the forum pages about this. Basically: things are monumentally broken, they're working on the fix, and (as of 04/25) they don't know how long the fix will take.

    For me, I can log individual ingredients or pre-existing recipes on the website or the app (Android) and have it count towards calorie totals, but the results won't copy to each other. I've switched to logging on the website, which is more cumbersome. I can similarly log my weight in both places, but again: no communication. I've switched to weight logging on the website because if I log my weight on the website, the information still copies to Fitbit. If I log it on the app, it doesn't. MFP does not, however, seem to be receiving inbound information from Fitbit at all—my activity-based adjustments aren't showing on the app or the website.

    This last is probably the biggest issue for me at the moment. I keep MFP set to sedentary and rely on the Fitbit adjustment to set my real calorie targets. My day-to-day activity is typically between about 10500-22000 steps/day—a wide enough range that a target for either end of the extreme would be a problem at the other end. Yesterday, I decided that my solution was going to be to look back through the adjustments for a low, medium, and high activity day and pick a reasonable calorie addition associated with each one. I'm entering the added calories as individual exercises in MFP, and will manually add them on the website each afternoon based on Fitbit's current+anticipated step count. I'm not comfortable with the level of guesswork or the likely wrongness, but I really don't want to try winging it entirely. I’m hoping that this won't damage things too much.