I've decided to make this thread, as a support system for people doing insanity. We can each tell how we did in each workout, how we feel, and just support each other! With the help of yous all we can do this!

Today I finished Day 5 Pure Cardio. It was tough and I was taking breaks, but I managed to go through it! I keep sweating more and more after each workout! It's actually great to see in the DVD that the people can't always be the power-machines and they need to take breaks. Makes me feel better for taking breaks! :D

Which day are you on?


  • grimendale
    grimendale Posts: 2,153 Member
    I'm on Week 3 of Month 2. I did the fit test 4 and max circuit training yesterday, which is a brutal combination. I can see why the fit test is by itself the first few times you do it. On the plus side, my test numbers are now on par with the starting numbers for the two pros. Of course, I still have a ways to go to catch their final numbers (and don't expect to). I'm looking forward to earning that shirt.
  • BSdevon
    BSdevon Posts: 77
    I commend anyone who starts the Insanity workout, its no joke Pure sweat, great cardio and guaranteed results! ..

    A couple years back I completed the P90X challenge and had seen great results.. I was recommended Insanity on my journey to leaning up.. Plyometric HIIT style training is incredible! But It was too much for me lol!.. I did just over 2 weeks..And at that point I joined a gym.

    Enjoy it! Insanity will improve your fitness and your weight loss goals.. I hope you come out the experience a fresher, active and much fitter person than you were before! New outlook and New attitude ready to conquer the next challenge!