Just had a massive binge and I feel awful



  • Bearbo27
    Bearbo27 Posts: 339 Member
    I started at 258lbs and I'm only 5'3". I had a hard time exercising and I lost consistently on more calories than you are taking in. I would walk or heck even do punches (burns calories and doesn't affect your lower half). I am now down 83 lbs and worked my way up to a regular exercise routine. You need to try and remember how bad you feel after these binges. That is what helped me. I knew if I over did the calories it would be only short term comfort. The shame in myself I would feel would last for days. I used that to help prevent binges later on. It does get better I promise. I can now eat a few squares of chocolate and wrap up the rest for later without any issues.
  • SueSueDio
    SueSueDio Posts: 4,796 Member
    *hugs* Good for you - keep at it! (And I hope you're able to resolve (or come to terms with) your issues at some point.)

    It can be hard to stay focused and positive when results are slow, but a quote I really like is, "Even if you're only crawling, you're still moving forward." (A similar one from Confucius is, "The ox is slow, but the earth is patient.")

    If you give up, you never reach your goal... so keep crawling forward and work on small steps in the right direction. The alternative is going back to where you started, so stick with it and forgive yourself the slip ups that we all make (because we're all human :) ).
  • BrookeRunningMom
    BrookeRunningMom Posts: 156 Member
    edited April 2017
    Its ok to go off track sometimes. Try not to even buy junk. Like i cant even buy it for my husband or ill binge eat it most times lol, there are also alot of healthy snacks like celery an peanut butter yogurt an granola. But dont beat yourself up, your only human and chocolate is yummy lol just remeber how *kitten* u feel before you do it again
  • SunnyDayzMomma
    SunnyDayzMomma Posts: 114 Member
    nowine4me wrote: »
    Log it and learn from it. It happens to me every few weeks, and no matter what, I track everything. My triggers are boredom and stress. What are yours?

    So much this! Logging binges is vital to learning from them. There was a great blog post a bit ago on MFP too about binging. I'll try to find it for ya.
  • SunnyDayzMomma
    SunnyDayzMomma Posts: 114 Member
    Here it is. It's been so helpful to me. Baby steps with an expected and anticipated MASSIVE outcome in the future. Even if it takes me years to overcome binging, as long as I eventually overcome, that's sooner than if I never starting to try.

    5 Steps to Break Free From Binge Eating | MyFitnessPal http://blog.myfitnesspal.com/how-to-break-free-from-binge-eating/
  • Harbin2017
    Harbin2017 Posts: 32 Member
    edited April 2017
    I'm 29 years old, female and 211 pounds. I can't exercise at the moment as I have a kneecap issue which I need to have physio for but I was told to lose weight first - so it's a bit of a vicious cycle. I've tested various calories and generally if I eat above 1400 maximum I don't lose weight. So normally I try to eat around 1300 per day. I do try to vary it but find that chocolate is my downfall. If I have one small bar I want more. I'm normally quite good at controlling myself and haven't binged properly in months however I have just been feeling really low this week and it's like I gave in to the struggle.

    I am also 29 and currently 66 kg. I eat at about 1400 calories per day+ exercise calories and lost like 5 kg in 7 weeks. It seems your calorie intake is too low, leaving you unsatisfied and ultimately bingeing.

  • cbelc2
    cbelc2 Posts: 762 Member
    Mix unsweetened cocoa powder in plain fat free yogurt. Freeze it and it will take a long time to eat. I think the reason I binged is that I was afraid to be thin. My excess was my security blanket. I'm finally removing the blanket. Thin is safe. Ask your doctor for some exercises that won't hurt your knee.
  • brb_2013
    brb_2013 Posts: 1,197 Member
    I did it this weekend too, makes me feel like a hypocrite because I spend a lot of time on here giving advice for how to avoid binges, yet still do it myself.

    The one takeaway for me? It's that I have absolutely seen myself making progress, binging much less often and MUCH less severely. I just learn more and more about my habits and what sets me off.

    This weekend I learned that I should not go into an event planning not to eat anything. I felt SO awkward NOT eating at a very very small event because every single other person there besides my husband asked me why... So I gave in a little. Then out came the dessert, then take home candy gifts, and an entire sleeve of peeps oreos. I'm not proud. Then the next day I was still feeling like I had failed so I ended up saying "screw it!" at the store and bought all my favorite Easter candies at half price. Had another binge on cookie dough... Not cookies mind you. Couldn't even eat another one when they were done. I logged my overage to the best of my ability and got right back to work today. I still have candy left... And I'm going to eat it. But I'm also moderating it, only allowing three a day while still maintaining my other goals like drinking my water and getting my activity in. I went on two REALLY good walks today, did a work out from YouTube, and a few extra of my pilates moves I do after walks.

    In the end you just have to learn from yourself. Again my lesson here is to just embrace meals away from home, I only felt awkward and that triggered my social anxiety and I overate to calm myself and soothe myself. Next time when I embrace the meal I will plan what to eat and just enjoy. Perhaps if I'd given myself the leeway to enjoy a ham dinner and a slice of Cheesecake, I wouldn't have bought several days worth of Easter candy... I'm hoping I'm sick of it before it's gone and learn more about how to moderate my intake given high supply of a tempting food.
  • kkarl12964
    kkarl12964 Posts: 8 Member
    Been there, done that. I've struggled with binge eating since I was a preteen. I didn't come to realize there was a name for it until a few years ago.

    What helps me is thinking about horrible I felt the last time and also looking at motivational quotes on sites like Pinterest or Google.

    Try not to keep bingeworthy foods in the house also... but for those of us who live with other people that need not be concerned with their diets ( i.e. roommates / kids / spouses ) that's almost impossible.

    Just keep on pushing!!