Added calories.

The added calorie allowance myfitnesspal gives me after a workout... Can I consume these extra calories and still lose weight?


  • CyberTone
    CyberTone Posts: 7,337 Member
    MFP provides your daily goal deficit without including any purposeful exercise Calories. That allows for people who are unable to exercise to achieve their goals. When you do purposeful exercise above the estimated MFP Activity Level, you should log it. The extra Calories earned from logging purposeful exercise are then added to that day's goal so that you can eat the proper amount to maintain the weekly loss rate you selected in your goal settings.

    Most people that choose to log exercise Calories will eat back a portion of those Calories, somewhere between 50 to 75 percent to start; then after a few weeks, if the rate of loss is either too fast or too slow, they will adjust the eat back percentage.