First day and it has been a STRUGGLE! I ended up having my first meal at 4:00 pm ending at 4:30. Feel free to take a look at my diary but I ended up eating canned salmon with baguette, garden salad w dressing, one third bag of kettle chips and a handful of sour candy and then two glasses of water one mixed with metimucil and I've also been drinking water throughout the day. Any suggestions, criticism or modifications ? Should I of eaten later on in the night ?


  • L1zardQueen
    L1zardQueen Posts: 8,754 Member
    But how you struggling? That's not clear. I'm on the app and can't your food intake. :s
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    Eating - quantities and timing - is personal. You don't need a bunch of strangers on the internet to tell you what or when to eat. You don't need to label how you eat. Eating shouldn't be associated with stress, guilt, or negativity.

    Eat food in quantities and at times that suits you, satisfies you and satiates you, as well as promoting a healthy body and mind.
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    edited April 2017
    I'm not sure if OMAD has certain rules beyond being one meal a day, but I would personally be kind of reluctant to have more than 2/3 of my intake in nutrient poor snack foods and so little fiber. Maybe occasionally, but not daily. Do you have any vegetables you like? Spinach goes really well with salmon. You could do about 1200 calories for the main meal with some nutrient rich foods and 300 for lower nutrient snacks, with the occasional higher snack percentage.

    An example off the top of my head:
    Chicken marsala (with crimini mushrooms) on hulled barley with a side of butter and garlic asparagus, then a snack of roasted peas and/or ice cream.
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    Forgot to address your first concern. What have you been struggling with? Hunger during non-eating hours? If so, that hunger diminishes after a couple of weeks into a milk pleasant "time to eat" sensation. You won't have to put up with it for long. I don't do OMAD, but when I do alternate day fasting I often eat 1-2 meals and hunger is only an issue the first few days, the first one being the hardest. 2 weeks later it's a non-issue at all.