Starting Lifting - How?

MrBecky Posts: 55 Member
I've been reading a little bit about lifting for women and I reckon this is what I want to do.
I've never done anything like this before however, and I'm pretty unfit. I also haven't got space in my rented house for lots of equipment and I can't really go to a gym three times a week as I have a 6 month old baby to take care of.
Could anyone reccommend any start up exercises or lifts - what would I need? Is my situation just not going to work?


  • hougt
    hougt Posts: 1,088
    Have you thought of just starting out with bodyweight exercises? Squats, pressups, dips etc
  • emilyc_1987
    emilyc_1987 Posts: 62 Member
    you don't need to buy weights really either, you can start out with items from the house with some weight in them,
    bottles of liquid. soap powder boxes(they're quite weighty!) etc. the list is endless really! as long as you can get a safe hold of them and keep your form correct you'll be fine with that to start with.

    but you can always invest in a smaller set of handweights. they can just be put in a cupboard/under a bed out of the way and it's a good way to start off.

    good luck
  • MrBecky
    MrBecky Posts: 55 Member
    Good point - I suppose that's where to start. I've been doing the odd bit of this and that but I think I need to get myself a decent routine down :-)
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Body weight exercises. There is a free beginner workout at Nerd Fitness online, I don't have the link but it should come up on google.
  • DDfitness89
    Another good option if you really feel you want to add some extra intensity to your workout would be to include resistance bands, can pick up a decent set on amazon for a fair price and the resistance levels can start from real low minor resistance tto linking multiple bands and having a real heavy resistance, youtube gives loads of home fitness advice for men and women using body weight or fitness bands.
  • chrisloveslife
    chrisloveslife Posts: 180 Member
    I'm in the same situation. I recently borrowed a copy of New Rules of Lifting for Women from the library and I think I'm going to start that program.

    ETA: I completely missed the 2nd paragraph. Definitely body weight exercises. Here's a link for body weight exercises that I do: