New member, changing my lifestyle

Hello, I am new to the forum.
My name is Patrick.

I have been overweight for a long time. I am 1,75 centimeters and weigh between 90 and 93 kilo.
I have a desk job, don't do sports, just some walking with my wife and child in the weekends. (Beach, woods or city trips)

My main problems are lack of physical energy and I sweat a lot. And I mean a lot, all over my body and heavily on my head.
So much that I think about it with everything I do. Choice of clothes, where do I go: is it cool enough, can I prevent physical activity when I am in company of others.

Recently I realised that this is seriously impacting my quality of life. It reduces my social interaction and with that also that of my family.
I want to be a good role model for my daughter and a good husband to my wife.

The first thing to do has alwats been clear to me, but I have never seriously acted on it: Get to a more healthy weight and get fit.
That should have an effect on the energy and possibly on the sweating.

After this realisation I started changing my life style.

We eat healthy, but in the wrong proportions. I eat a lot of vegetables, but combined with too much bread, potatoes and meat.
When alone in the house I have the urge to graze. I eat anything I can find. If I can find nothing I eat directly from the peanutbutter jar.

I put more thought in my meals, resist the urge to graze and started using my stationary bike for 30-60 minutes a day.

Result in 14 days: From 93 kilo's to 89.

My goal is to get to 75 kilo's and keep the life style so it stays roughy there for ever.
The end goal is to get more out of life with more energy and more freedom of movement by sweating less.

Motivation and help comes from reddit/loseit, this forum and the calorie counter MyFitnespal.

I feel that I am on a new postive path.


  • jbalistriere
    jbalistriere Posts: 300 Member
    You're on well on the road to success by realizing that this is not a diet but a lifestyle change. Kudos to you for taking these steps. It's clear that they are already paying off. You're already setting a great example for your family. I'd say "good luck" but it's clear that you don't need luck, you already have the right mindset and determination to take you where you want to go! :)
  • pats02
    pats02 Posts: 3
    In my work life I always tell everybody that succes is not caused by luck, but it is a result of the choice to work hard to get to your goals.

    I just never applied that wisdom outside my work :(