Ex Fitness instructor back on my own journey to fitness.

Dazzler21 Posts: 1,249 Member
edited April 2017 in Introduce Yourself
Hi All

My name is Darrel, I am 28 years old (for another month anyway)

When I was 18, I was a fitness instructor and weighed 73kg (11.5st) Body fat 15% I was happy at this weight, though not particularly lean.

I then became an office lackey and got fatter - The high was 85.7Kg (13.5st) body fat 26%.

5 years ago I decided enough was enough I wanted to propose to my girlfriend and Knew I had to change to do it! I got lean I lost 9.5kg (1.5st) in 6 months and popped the question, she said yes and in celebration I signed up for and completed my first half marathon, then a full. I had lost 3st (19KG) and sat at 66.5kg body fat 7% .

Unfortunately after a year of successes I got injured. My running now consists of stop, start training and I have taken up weights to try and decrease the problems, but these have aggravated my issues (Patella Tendonitis, ITBand Syndrome, Plantar Fasciitis and Patella Femoral Pain Syndrome & Shin Splints :neutral: ) as you can guess, I have put weight back on in muscle and fat.

Sadly I am now at 81.2kg (12.9st) body fat 21% and looking at a half Marathon in September and November as a deadline to run a full marathon again.

This was all over the last 5 years! I don't want to end up as I was despite being leaner than I was last time I was this heavy! I even know the exact formula to follow!


So My goals are:

1. Week 1
Sort out my eating, just a small change for this week - No Junk Shake off a kilo? 17-23rd April (TARGET WEIGHT <80KG)

2. Week 2
Change for the next two weeks, get the legs used to running again and complete a 5k in sub 23 minutes - No Junk this week either Shake another kilo off?24-30 April (TARGET WEIGHT <79KG)

3. End of month 1
Diet is now cleaned up, legs will be carrying me better due to lighter weight load 17th April - 20th May Turn 29 - Weight down another 2kgs and 5k sub 22 minutes, Start increasing distance. (WEIGHT <77KG)

5. End of 6 months
Diet is clean, training is clean, 5k is at sub 21, half marathon will have been completed, weight should be around the 73kg mark or less and Marathon training in the final stages.
17th April - 17th November (WEIGHT <73KG)

Once I get there, I want to maintain at least the clean eating diet and avoiding injuries. Here's to the challenge!

In my time as a fitness instructor I specialised in fat loss, and have continued to have success stories from people I helped lose weight. Therefore I am happy to be befriended and messaged for any tips and advice to help make life easier!


  • conor937
    conor937 Posts: 40 Member
    Good luck with your goals. Im currently also 12st9 tho my bf is 26% trying to get down to 11.5st.
  • Dazzler21
    Dazzler21 Posts: 1,249 Member
    conor937 wrote: »
    Good luck with your goals. Im currently also 12st9 tho my bf is 26% trying to get down to 11.5st.

    Thanks man, do you have a time-frame in mind?
  • conor937
    conor937 Posts: 40 Member
    Not really, Lost 3st already and thats taken about 6 months but ive plateaued the last 3 weeks so will have to just keep plugging away and wait for that to end. Some point in the next few months would be nice to get the weight loss taken care of then considering switching my focus to building muscle.
  • Dazzler21
    Dazzler21 Posts: 1,249 Member
    conor937 wrote: »
    Good luck with your goals. Im currently also 12st9 tho my bf is 26% trying to get down to 11.5st.
    Thanks man, do you have a time-frame in mind?
    conor937 wrote: »
    Not really, Lost 3st already and thats taken about 6 months but ive plateaued the last 3 weeks so will have to just keep plugging away and wait for that to end. Some point in the next few months would be nice to get the weight loss taken care of then considering switching my focus to building muscle.

    If you've got a goal you've gotta make it SMART.

    Specific - You want to get down to 11.5 st, sure but how?
    Measurable - You're gonna weigh yourself at intervals but when and how often?
    Attainable - Is it attainable? Is it a realistic goal to achieve within a specific time frame?
    Relevant - Is it relevant still, has your ideal changed are you regularly reviewing your goals to ensure they're still relevant to you?
    Time bound - When do you want to hit that 11.5stone mark?

    If I were you i'd take a moment to review where you are now and set some goals, then review them every two weeks to ensure they fit the above principles still.

    As an example - A goal for completion this week, then a foal for 2 weeks, 4 weeks, 8 weeks, 16 weeks etc...

  • richardpkennedy1
    richardpkennedy1 Posts: 1,890 Member
    How tall are you? You are quite heavy for a runner
  • Dazzler21
    Dazzler21 Posts: 1,249 Member
    edited June 2017
    How tall are you? You are quite heavy for a runner

    I'm quite short, lets just say that over the last year with injuries stopping me running, I have made it tougher for myself by building muscle and adding fat!

    I'm only 174cm tall. As i'm now in Marathon Training, the weight will now drop away a bit quicker. My lesson I learned is that weight lifting whilst you're unable to run is not the way to go!

    Still dropping 22-23 5k's but I ended up having an operation on one of those injuries last month so the above goals went out the window!
  • richardpkennedy1
    richardpkennedy1 Posts: 1,890 Member
    Dazzler21 wrote: »
    How tall are you? You are quite heavy for a runner

    I'm quite short, lets just say that over the last year with injuries stopping me running, I have made it tougher for myself by building muscle and adding fat!

    I'm only 174cm tall. As i'm now in Marathon Training, the weight will now drop away a bit quicker. My lesson I learned is that weight lifting whilst you're unable to run is not the way to go!

    Still dropping 22-23 5k's but I ended up having an operation on one of those injuries last month so the above goals went out the window!

    I'm currently running 22:32 for 5k. My goal is to go under 21 mins for 5k and 45 mins for 10k. I'm quite small already at 65kg and 171cm. I don't think I really need to lose much more to get faster. Maybe getting down to the low 60s will happen naturally as my training increases.
  • MichelleWithMoxie
    MichelleWithMoxie Posts: 1,817 Member
    Consistency is key. Good luck with your goals; I hope you recover swiftly from your op!
  • 81meg1L
    81meg1L Posts: 44 Member
    This is a super helpful post. But I just have a question, if you'd entertain it: Are you adding in resistance training, like band training or swimming? (This may not work with your injuries, but I'm curious.)

    I was transitioning into jogging and became enamored with it. Then I experienced a knee sprain, and through Doctor's investigation, we learned I have some extreme vulnerability in both knees :-( Doctor said absolutely no running :-(

    So I've thrown myself into the pool, no pun intended. At first, I was discouraged because I felt so weak. But now, I've noticed I'm gaining strength day-by-day, just as I was when I was jogging.

    Good luck with all your goals!
    Best, Meg
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    My advice would be to NOT set yourself a deafline for a race... target yes, hard and fast deadline, no or you may end up pushing yourself through injury to meet the deadline.
  • Dazzler21
    Dazzler21 Posts: 1,249 Member
    81meg1L wrote: »
    This is a super helpful post. But I just have a question, if you'd entertain it: Are you adding in resistance training, like band training or swimming? (This may not work with your injuries, but I'm curious.)

    I was transitioning into jogging and became enamored with it. Then I experienced a knee sprain, and through Doctor's investigation, we learned I have some extreme vulnerability in both knees :-( Doctor said absolutely no running :-(

    So I've thrown myself into the pool, no pun intended. At first, I was discouraged because I felt so weak. But now, I've noticed I'm gaining strength day-by-day, just as I was when I was jogging.

    Good luck with all your goals!
    Best, Meg

    Thanks Meg, yes I am utilising resistance band training on off days:
    Mon Run
    Tues Bands
    Wed Run
    Thurs Bands
    Friday Coach a fitness class & stretches, rollering etc -
    Saturday Run
    Sunday REST
    My advice would be to NOT set yourself a deafline for a race... target yes, hard and fast deadline, no or you may end up pushing yourself through injury to meet the deadline.

    Whilst I see your points, this is why you review goals in line with SMART, regularly to ensure goals are attainable. If you're injured,it's unlikely they're attainable and as such you adjust accordingly. Having a race/event as a deadline is a huge motivator for many and it's usually the only way to get them out the door to train.
  • Dazzler21
    Dazzler21 Posts: 1,249 Member
    p.s I plan to replace band training with swimming once I'm a little less self conscious (read less fat :D ). I've been advised not to push beyond 5k at the moment.
  • isan1203354
    isan1203354 Posts: 1 Member
    8 lots cake still hungre