Second go at it and looking for friends

spaartist Posts: 2 Member
edited April 2017 in Introduce Yourself
Hi everyone! I'm Samantha and I'm looking for any friends that would like to help one another with motivation and accountability. I am a serious emotional eater and my weakness is carbs and sugar. I am trying really hard to kick these bad habits. I have a wedding coming up soon and obviously want to look nice, but it's more than that. I want to get healthy. I have a family history of diabetes and heart disease and I love life too much to check out early. I'd love make some new friends and help each other along the way.


  • lpowers8
    lpowers8 Posts: 3 Member
    I would love to support you! I have gained so much weight and want to lose the weight before my man proposed/we get married. I have 20lbs I want to lose, wouldn't get me to "healthy" weight but where I feel most comfy
  • cat_monster
    cat_monster Posts: 51 Member
    I'd love to be pals. I've lost 17 pounds ( in about two years) and have 14 to go. Beer, cheese, bread and oil are my downfall. I'd love to have them in moderation but one is never enough!
  • MaryAbesco
    MaryAbesco Posts: 2 Member
    I'd like to be pals too. I'm at my heaviest Now after months of battling with depression and emotional eating. Sugars and carbs are my go to comfort foods. Looking to lose 20kg the clean way so it can be sustainable.