Remember it's okay to get off track

Hey everyone.
I just want to point out that it's okay if you find yourself getting off track with your diet. We're human, just like a flat tire. Your not going to stop moving forward. Replace it and keep trucking. I lost over 70lbs since last year. And I've been doing really well with maintaining until recently. I haven't gained but I've noticed I'm not as toned. It's so easy to just say #$#$ it and continue on the wrong path. But just remember why you started your journey to begin with.

Dieting isn't easy. And my biggest thing is recovering from having a cheat day. I find my cheat day leads to days instead of only one day. Which is fine as long as you don't continue it. If you find yourself lacking motivation or seem to feel stuck. Think about your journey so far. And remember what you told yourself when you first started your weight loss.

No matter if you've just started working out. If you have lost 10 lbs or 60lbs. You are still one step ahead from where you were yesterday


  • megnolia82
    megnolia82 Posts: 828 Member
    This is exactly what I needed right at this moment. Thank you!
  • bguy29145
    bguy29145 Posts: 3 Member
    I needed this. Only about 20 days in and def got off track over Easter weekend and all the food and candy involved! I'm back on track today though. Happy Lifestyle Changing to ya.
  • pattyreyes85
    pattyreyes85 Posts: 9 Member
    Thanks for such a great reminder! I really struggled with getting my butt moving today.
  • willow8220
    willow8220 Posts: 26 Member
    Loved this, thank you for sharing your insight! I too am guilty of an indulgence day turning into many days. Its so easy to get off track, but just gotta keep putting one foot in front of the other until I reach my destination. I have changed my settings to lose 500gms a week instead of 1kg, it will take me longer, but I really want the weight to stay off for good this time. Best of luck to you
  • fiddletime
    fiddletime Posts: 1,862 Member
    Thanks for taking the time to post that. I really needed to get that reminder at just this point on my journey!
  • southheadstef
    southheadstef Posts: 50 Member
    I needed this today. Thanks!
  • ZephieC
    ZephieC Posts: 162 Member
    Great attitude. That is how I feel as well. Rather than dwell on the past just keep pushing forward. I've had a couple shaky weekends but we don't change our lives overnight. Not giving up is the key!
  • childofares
    childofares Posts: 51 Member
    I needed to hear this. I missed a workout and went over on calories a bit 2 days ago and I am still beating myself up about it. I'll stop that now.
  • ChrissyLee2018
    ChrissyLee2018 Posts: 1 Member
    Definitely needed this! Thank you.