So, I was reading a thread yesterday in which IIFYM was brought up many times, so I googled it to find out what it was. I filled out the calculator, entered my email, got my macros. Now, they want to sell me a book or .... some personalized "blueprint".

My question is, has anyone ever bought this? and if so, what is included in the blueprint? is it a daily menu plan? Is it worth $50?


  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    No idea. Doesn't seem necessary. I've followed IIFYM without anyone selling me anything.
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    Oh god no. IIFYM.com is just capitalizing on an old concept that starting in forums like this decades ago. There's no need to buy anything or even use their calculated macros to follow it. The whole point of it is about customizing the diet to fit your lifestyle and not the other way around.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    No idea. Doesn't seem necessary. I've followed IIFYM without anyone selling me anything.

  • TrekkieJenee
    TrekkieJenee Posts: 24 Member
  • inertiastrength
    inertiastrength Posts: 2,343 Member
    call me ignorant but isn't mfp the same as iifym?
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    fascha wrote: »
    call me ignorant but isn't mfp the same as iifym?

    Nope, mfp uses a neat calculation for your calorie goal
  • inertiastrength
    inertiastrength Posts: 2,343 Member
    fascha wrote: »
    call me ignorant but isn't mfp the same as iifym?

    Nope, mfp uses a neat calculation for your calorie goal

    I set my own calorie goal and macros so I guess I just assumed it was similar lol
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    fascha wrote: »
    call me ignorant but isn't mfp the same as iifym?

    Not really. In the same way that MFP isn't CICO -- IIFYM is the concept. MFP is one tool you can use to get there.
  • nicolammorris221
    nicolammorris221 Posts: 4 Member
    I just signed up yesterday and I'm not buying the book. I'm taking the macro totals that they gave me and track it using myfitnesspal. I can't afford $50 for that book. That's a full tank of gas for me.
  • Jruzer
    Jruzer Posts: 3,501 Member
    IIFYM is a concept or a philosophy - "If it fits your macros". You can eat what you like provided that you hit your target macros. That's it. No diet plans, no unnecessary restriction, just eat within some general guidelines. No need to pay any money, either.

    iifym.com is a website attempting to monetize this simple concept.
  • TrekkieJenee
    TrekkieJenee Posts: 24 Member
    I see a nutritionist weekly and am slowly learning about the macros. I was always "thin" when I was young, but slowly started gaining weight as the years went by. Now, I'm learning why. It's difficult to plan my day because I never know where I'm going to eat until I get there. Then, I don't know the macros until I put them in MFP. So ... I guess I was hoping for a substitute "mom" to tell me what to eat.

    Guess I'll have to break out a spreadsheet and plan my meals a week ahead of time ...
  • deannalfisher
    deannalfisher Posts: 5,600 Member
    If there was personalized guidance/instruction I might...I work with a group of RD's who help customize my plan, but I get biweekly reviews and tweaks as needed - that I'd pay for
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    edited April 2017
    I see a nutritionist weekly and am slowly learning about the macros. I was always "thin" when I was young, but slowly started gaining weight as the years went by. Now, I'm learning why. It's difficult to plan my day because I never know where I'm going to eat until I get there. Then, I don't know the macros until I put them in MFP. So ... I guess I was hoping for a substitute "mom" to tell me what to eat.

    Guess I'll have to break out a spreadsheet and plan my meals a week ahead of time ...

    Yes! Do this. (But you can do it in your MFP food diary if you want. No need for a spreadsheet, unless you prefer it.)

    There is NO WAY I would hit my macros daily if I didn't pre-plan. NO. WAY.
  • Spliner1969
    Spliner1969 Posts: 3,233 Member
    So, I was reading a thread yesterday in which IIFYM was brought up many times, so I googled it to find out what it was. I filled out the calculator, entered my email, got my macros. Now, they want to sell me a book or .... some personalized "blueprint".

    My question is, has anyone ever bought this? and if so, what is included in the blueprint? is it a daily menu plan? Is it worth $50?

    I use their site, but have never subscribed to their plan. Their calculator has done wonders for me to reduce fat and help me build muscle by using their macro calculations as well as setting my daily calories to a specific amount so that I don't have to eat less on rest days. Beyond that, I don't intend to spend money on their personal blueprint services. I wouldn't necessarily discount it as a scam though. They provide their calculators for free, you simply have to give them your email address to use them. They'll send you ads, but hey, nothing is free on the Internet. If it's free, it's ad supported, so I let them send me what they want, I'm under no obligation. I'd say I've been using iifym.com's calculator for about two years now and love it.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,126 Member
    edited April 2017
    After a while it becomes intuitive, too. When I first came on this site I was living on bread and pie and jello and bread and cookies and the occasional salad.

    It took me some studying to figure it all out.

    There is so much good info online.

    Now I just have simple goals.
    1. Get enough protein (because I don't naturally)
    2. 4-6 servings of vegetables and fruit daily
    3. Eat foods with fiber so I feel full longer.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    So, I was reading a thread yesterday in which IIFYM was brought up many times, so I googled it to find out what it was. I filled out the calculator, entered my email, got my macros. Now, they want to sell me a book or .... some personalized "blueprint".

    My question is, has anyone ever bought this? and if so, what is included in the blueprint? is it a daily menu plan? Is it worth $50?

    That website/calculator is just capitalizing on the concept...IIFYM is a flexible dieting concept that was born out of the bodybuilding industry...it really has nothing to do with that website. Also, macros are a pretty individual thing...the "Y" in IIFYM is kind of important.

    There's no need to buy anything...it's a really simple concept.